People from all walks of life and corners of the world, flock to the state of San Andreas for the many opportunities it presents them with, to live that American dream. Whether they are a Criminal Master-mind, a morally blind but visionary entrepreneur, a lame duck God father, or even a mean killing machine for hire. Everyone has had it tough in this town at one point or another in their quest to not only survive, but to thrive.
No matter how affluent and abundant their extravagant lifestyle of expensive Crowex watches, fancy Persues clothes and big mansions in Rockford hills, may look like, there are always these questions in the back of their minds while they are cruising down the road in their flashy cars...."When was the last time I took in a breath of fresh air, ever since I first arrived in Los Santos?" "What would it take to get that priceless sense of equanimity in one's life?"
Well, have you ever wondered what answer they came up with or where the rich and famous disappear to for a while to escape from the town that never seems to shut up? From that nasty old lady, screaming at the top of her lungs, demanding her outstanding rent payments to those uncouth pedestrians, to the blaring of sirens and horns in a fast moving town, which has no tolerance or regard for serenity.
Don't fret, the answer wasn't very clear to the ones that came before you either. They had their own opinions, the likes of which included, paying off millions of dollars to some humane lab rejects who like to call themselves "Scientists" to develop nasty and deadly human genocidal weapons of mass destruction or as the more saner heads realized, taking the same amount and investing it into any true nature lover's wet dream, the Mount Gordo Celestial. A cozy log cabin, situated in a remote corner of the ever mysterious Mount Gordo, right next to the more serene shores of the great state of San Andreas.
If you're thinking up of a place to take that hot secretary of yours for the weekend or a place to stash all those over-flowing funds that your unethical ways seem to bring, away from curious eyes or you're just a sucker for mother nature and a bit of peace and quiet, then here is your answer.
Who cares if your organization or private jets happen to pollute the shit out of all those peasants and the environment at large, as long as that trophy wife of yours, who happens to be half your age, gets to cuddle up to you, over-looking the gorgeous sunrise over the ocean from your bed while you sip on some earl grey, right? This discreet retreat promises to pamper all your whims, till you lose every last bit of conscience and stop feeling guilty about not filing those tax returns, in order to enjoy those ironic benefits of the very capitalistic activities that made your dream of living in heaven on earth possible. Enjoy!
Some background story about this map: ( In case anyone is interested :P )
This particular project had been in the works for months now, even though this wasn't started with the intention of being a project in itself. I was always fascinated by this little pond tucked away on Mount Gordo, which was completely over-shadowed for the most part by the giant lake that sits a little further away from it. This little place that I like to refer to as "My Little Hangout", was where I used to spend countless hours, just roaming about and watching the views, when the game initially came out and I was taken aback by it's beauty and simpleness and always had this wish that I wanted to really have a little house here.
As time passed and I started getting familiar with the whole map building thing, I decided that I needed an actual little hide-out of mine in this place and thus began the construction of little houses, that I never bothered releasing because they weren't anything special and for the most part, not presentable in my opinion. So a few months back, after I had some time and was researching on what I could do for my next project, I suddenly came up with the idea of actually trying to make something spectacular, that complimented the area's beauty and some place where you just felt like you've entered into a totally different game or world and so Celestial as I like to call it, was born and went through many changes and a LOT of hard work (which included me restarting the project a number of times due to various issues).
Once again, this is a partial Add-on and partial Menyoo map, as I am still unable to include the custom props in the converted .ymap file. So if anyone knows how to go about doing that, just PM me or something. It'll be appreciated! (:
More updates for this map mod may come in the future at some point, which might include some more interior work, etc.
-The only known bug I have discovered is that at times, the roofs tend to mess up in texture by a little bit. It's nothing big, just something that tends to happen occasionally, depending on the time of the day.
The Installation instructions are in the "Read-Me" file provided in the download. Please DO READ IT. It's important stuff!
[Requirements For This Map Mod]
- Menyoo Trainer Mod
- Custom Props Add-On --> [Important]
[Read Instructions on this mod's page carefully]
- The latest version of scripthook and all that other important stuff related to it etc.
Please respect days of work and do not :
-Upload it anywhere else without my explicit permission.
-Do not edit in any way, shape or form, re-upload and claim as your own.
Finally, I really hope you enjoy the map! Feel totally free to leave your comments, suggestions, ratings, etc. They are all welcome and appreciated! ^^
P.S: One of my personal recommendations would be to try the map out at 06:00 AM and around that time. The views are incredible in the early morning hours, so I thought I'd let ya'll know! Have fun!
No matter how affluent and abundant their extravagant lifestyle of expensive Crowex watches, fancy Persues clothes and big mansions in Rockford hills, may look like, there are always these questions in the back of their minds while they are cruising down the road in their flashy cars...."When was the last time I took in a breath of fresh air, ever since I first arrived in Los Santos?" "What would it take to get that priceless sense of equanimity in one's life?"
Well, have you ever wondered what answer they came up with or where the rich and famous disappear to for a while to escape from the town that never seems to shut up? From that nasty old lady, screaming at the top of her lungs, demanding her outstanding rent payments to those uncouth pedestrians, to the blaring of sirens and horns in a fast moving town, which has no tolerance or regard for serenity.
Don't fret, the answer wasn't very clear to the ones that came before you either. They had their own opinions, the likes of which included, paying off millions of dollars to some humane lab rejects who like to call themselves "Scientists" to develop nasty and deadly human genocidal weapons of mass destruction or as the more saner heads realized, taking the same amount and investing it into any true nature lover's wet dream, the Mount Gordo Celestial. A cozy log cabin, situated in a remote corner of the ever mysterious Mount Gordo, right next to the more serene shores of the great state of San Andreas.
If you're thinking up of a place to take that hot secretary of yours for the weekend or a place to stash all those over-flowing funds that your unethical ways seem to bring, away from curious eyes or you're just a sucker for mother nature and a bit of peace and quiet, then here is your answer.
Who cares if your organization or private jets happen to pollute the shit out of all those peasants and the environment at large, as long as that trophy wife of yours, who happens to be half your age, gets to cuddle up to you, over-looking the gorgeous sunrise over the ocean from your bed while you sip on some earl grey, right? This discreet retreat promises to pamper all your whims, till you lose every last bit of conscience and stop feeling guilty about not filing those tax returns, in order to enjoy those ironic benefits of the very capitalistic activities that made your dream of living in heaven on earth possible. Enjoy!
Some background story about this map: ( In case anyone is interested :P )
This particular project had been in the works for months now, even though this wasn't started with the intention of being a project in itself. I was always fascinated by this little pond tucked away on Mount Gordo, which was completely over-shadowed for the most part by the giant lake that sits a little further away from it. This little place that I like to refer to as "My Little Hangout", was where I used to spend countless hours, just roaming about and watching the views, when the game initially came out and I was taken aback by it's beauty and simpleness and always had this wish that I wanted to really have a little house here.
As time passed and I started getting familiar with the whole map building thing, I decided that I needed an actual little hide-out of mine in this place and thus began the construction of little houses, that I never bothered releasing because they weren't anything special and for the most part, not presentable in my opinion. So a few months back, after I had some time and was researching on what I could do for my next project, I suddenly came up with the idea of actually trying to make something spectacular, that complimented the area's beauty and some place where you just felt like you've entered into a totally different game or world and so Celestial as I like to call it, was born and went through many changes and a LOT of hard work (which included me restarting the project a number of times due to various issues).
Once again, this is a partial Add-on and partial Menyoo map, as I am still unable to include the custom props in the converted .ymap file. So if anyone knows how to go about doing that, just PM me or something. It'll be appreciated! (:
More updates for this map mod may come in the future at some point, which might include some more interior work, etc.
-The only known bug I have discovered is that at times, the roofs tend to mess up in texture by a little bit. It's nothing big, just something that tends to happen occasionally, depending on the time of the day.
The Installation instructions are in the "Read-Me" file provided in the download. Please DO READ IT. It's important stuff!
[Requirements For This Map Mod]
- Menyoo Trainer Mod
- Custom Props Add-On --> [Important]
[Read Instructions on this mod's page carefully]
- The latest version of scripthook and all that other important stuff related to it etc.
Please respect days of work and do not :
-Upload it anywhere else without my explicit permission.
-Do not edit in any way, shape or form, re-upload and claim as your own.
Finally, I really hope you enjoy the map! Feel totally free to leave your comments, suggestions, ratings, etc. They are all welcome and appreciated! ^^
P.S: One of my personal recommendations would be to try the map out at 06:00 AM and around that time. The views are incredible in the early morning hours, so I thought I'd let ya'll know! Have fun!
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 15 Απρίλιος 2018
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 16 Απρίλιος 2018
Last Downloaded: 5 hours ago
47 σχόλια
People from all walks of life and corners of the world, flock to the state of San Andreas for the many opportunities it presents them with, to live that American dream. Whether they are a Criminal Master-mind, a morally blind but visionary entrepreneur, a lame duck God father, or even a mean killing machine for hire. Everyone has had it tough in this town at one point or another in their quest to not only survive, but to thrive.
No matter how affluent and abundant their extravagant lifestyle of expensive Crowex watches, fancy Persues clothes and big mansions in Rockford hills, may look like, there are always these questions in the back of their minds while they are cruising down the road in their flashy cars...."When was the last time I took in a breath of fresh air, ever since I first arrived in Los Santos?" "What would it take to get that priceless sense of equanimity in one's life?"
Well, have you ever wondered what answer they came up with or where the rich and famous disappear to for a while to escape from the town that never seems to shut up? From that nasty old lady, screaming at the top of her lungs, demanding her outstanding rent payments to those uncouth pedestrians, to the blaring of sirens and horns in a fast moving town, which has no tolerance or regard for serenity.
Don't fret, the answer wasn't very clear to the ones that came before you either. They had their own opinions, the likes of which included, paying off millions of dollars to some humane lab rejects who like to call themselves "Scientists" to develop nasty and deadly human genocidal weapons of mass destruction or as the more saner heads realized, taking the same amount and investing it into any true nature lover's wet dream, the Mount Gordo Celestial. A cozy log cabin, situated in a remote corner of the ever mysterious Mount Gordo, right next to the more serene shores of the great state of San Andreas.
If you're thinking up of a place to take that hot secretary of yours for the weekend or a place to stash all those over-flowing funds that your unethical ways seem to bring, away from curious eyes or you're just a sucker for mother nature and a bit of peace and quiet, then here is your answer.
Who cares if your organization or private jets happen to pollute the shit out of all those peasants and the environment at large, as long as that trophy wife of yours, who happens to be half your age, gets to cuddle up to you, over-looking the gorgeous sunrise over the ocean from your bed while you sip on some earl grey, right? This discreet retreat promises to pamper all your whims, till you lose every last bit of conscience and stop feeling guilty about not filing those tax returns, in order to enjoy those ironic benefits of the very capitalistic activities that made your dream of living in heaven on earth possible. Enjoy!
Some background story about this map: ( In case anyone is interested :P )
This particular project had been in the works for months now, even though this wasn't started with the intention of being a project in itself. I was always fascinated by this little pond tucked away on Mount Gordo, which was completely over-shadowed for the most part by the giant lake that sits a little further away from it. This little place that I like to refer to as "My Little Hangout", was where I used to spend countless hours, just roaming about and watching the views, when the game initially came out and I was taken aback by it's beauty and simpleness and always had this wish that I wanted to really have a little house here.
As time passed and I started getting familiar with the whole map building thing, I decided that I needed an actual little hide-out of mine in this place and thus began the construction of little houses, that I never bothered releasing because they weren't anything special and for the most part, not presentable in my opinion. So a few months back, after I had some time and was researching on what I could do for my next project, I suddenly came up with the idea of actually trying to make something spectacular, that complimented the area's beauty and some place where you just felt like you've entered into a totally different game or world and so Celestial as I like to call it, was born and went through many changes and a LOT of hard work (which included me restarting the project a number of times due to various issues).
Once again, this is a partial Add-on and partial Menyoo map, as I am still unable to include the custom props in the converted .ymap file. So if anyone knows how to go about doing that, just PM me or something. It'll be appreciated! (:
More updates for this map mod may come in the future at some point, which might include some more interior work, etc.
-The only known bug I have discovered is that at times, the roofs tend to mess up in texture by a little bit. It's nothing big, just something that tends to happen occasionally, depending on the time of the day.
The Installation instructions are in the "Read-Me" file provided in the download. Please DO READ IT. It's important stuff!
[Requirements For This Map Mod]
- Menyoo Trainer Mod
- Custom Props Add-On --> [Important]
[Read Instructions on this mod's page carefully]
- The latest version of scripthook and all that other important stuff related to it etc.
Please respect days of work and do not :
-Upload it anywhere else without my explicit permission.
-Do not edit in any way, shape or form, re-upload and claim as your own.
Finally, I really hope you enjoy the map! Feel totally free to leave your comments, suggestions, ratings, etc. They are all welcome and appreciated! ^^
P.S: One of my personal recommendations would be to try the map out at 06:00 AM and around that time. The views are incredible in the early morning hours, so I thought I'd let ya'll know! Have fun!
No matter how affluent and abundant their extravagant lifestyle of expensive Crowex watches, fancy Persues clothes and big mansions in Rockford hills, may look like, there are always these questions in the back of their minds while they are cruising down the road in their flashy cars...."When was the last time I took in a breath of fresh air, ever since I first arrived in Los Santos?" "What would it take to get that priceless sense of equanimity in one's life?"
Well, have you ever wondered what answer they came up with or where the rich and famous disappear to for a while to escape from the town that never seems to shut up? From that nasty old lady, screaming at the top of her lungs, demanding her outstanding rent payments to those uncouth pedestrians, to the blaring of sirens and horns in a fast moving town, which has no tolerance or regard for serenity.
Don't fret, the answer wasn't very clear to the ones that came before you either. They had their own opinions, the likes of which included, paying off millions of dollars to some humane lab rejects who like to call themselves "Scientists" to develop nasty and deadly human genocidal weapons of mass destruction or as the more saner heads realized, taking the same amount and investing it into any true nature lover's wet dream, the Mount Gordo Celestial. A cozy log cabin, situated in a remote corner of the ever mysterious Mount Gordo, right next to the more serene shores of the great state of San Andreas.
If you're thinking up of a place to take that hot secretary of yours for the weekend or a place to stash all those over-flowing funds that your unethical ways seem to bring, away from curious eyes or you're just a sucker for mother nature and a bit of peace and quiet, then here is your answer.
Who cares if your organization or private jets happen to pollute the shit out of all those peasants and the environment at large, as long as that trophy wife of yours, who happens to be half your age, gets to cuddle up to you, over-looking the gorgeous sunrise over the ocean from your bed while you sip on some earl grey, right? This discreet retreat promises to pamper all your whims, till you lose every last bit of conscience and stop feeling guilty about not filing those tax returns, in order to enjoy those ironic benefits of the very capitalistic activities that made your dream of living in heaven on earth possible. Enjoy!
Some background story about this map: ( In case anyone is interested :P )
This particular project had been in the works for months now, even though this wasn't started with the intention of being a project in itself. I was always fascinated by this little pond tucked away on Mount Gordo, which was completely over-shadowed for the most part by the giant lake that sits a little further away from it. This little place that I like to refer to as "My Little Hangout", was where I used to spend countless hours, just roaming about and watching the views, when the game initially came out and I was taken aback by it's beauty and simpleness and always had this wish that I wanted to really have a little house here.
As time passed and I started getting familiar with the whole map building thing, I decided that I needed an actual little hide-out of mine in this place and thus began the construction of little houses, that I never bothered releasing because they weren't anything special and for the most part, not presentable in my opinion. So a few months back, after I had some time and was researching on what I could do for my next project, I suddenly came up with the idea of actually trying to make something spectacular, that complimented the area's beauty and some place where you just felt like you've entered into a totally different game or world and so Celestial as I like to call it, was born and went through many changes and a LOT of hard work (which included me restarting the project a number of times due to various issues).
Once again, this is a partial Add-on and partial Menyoo map, as I am still unable to include the custom props in the converted .ymap file. So if anyone knows how to go about doing that, just PM me or something. It'll be appreciated! (:
More updates for this map mod may come in the future at some point, which might include some more interior work, etc.
-The only known bug I have discovered is that at times, the roofs tend to mess up in texture by a little bit. It's nothing big, just something that tends to happen occasionally, depending on the time of the day.
The Installation instructions are in the "Read-Me" file provided in the download. Please DO READ IT. It's important stuff!
[Requirements For This Map Mod]
- Menyoo Trainer Mod
- Custom Props Add-On --> [Important]
[Read Instructions on this mod's page carefully]
- The latest version of scripthook and all that other important stuff related to it etc.
Please respect days of work and do not :
-Upload it anywhere else without my explicit permission.
-Do not edit in any way, shape or form, re-upload and claim as your own.
Finally, I really hope you enjoy the map! Feel totally free to leave your comments, suggestions, ratings, etc. They are all welcome and appreciated! ^^
P.S: One of my personal recommendations would be to try the map out at 06:00 AM and around that time. The views are incredible in the early morning hours, so I thought I'd let ya'll know! Have fun!
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 15 Απρίλιος 2018
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 16 Απρίλιος 2018
Last Downloaded: 5 hours ago
I think I'll pin this comment for awhile, since I've noticed that a lot of people are having trouble correctly installing the custom props mod. If you've read the mod's page, it states detailed instructions on proper installation. However where I think most people have a problem is when the path line "<Item>dlcpacks:\addonprops\</Item>" is added to the file "dlclist.xml" somewhere below the first line. For some reason, if this particular path line is not at the top of all the other path lines, the custom props do not show up, regardless of whether all the other files in that mod are placed correctly or not. This was true in my case and I think a lot of other cases as well. So if you think you have installed custom props correctly and they still don't show up, then surely give this a try. Here's a screen of what it should be looking like:
@Great Britain https://www.flickr.com/gp/161092046@N06/9n9tL4
@Roshan1234 You can reply to my PM lad. From the pictures, I'm fairly certain it's just a case of bad installation. The roof and the walls as you earlier said were present are actually missing. Please ensure that you're following the instructions on the "Custom prop" mod page correctly as sometimes that can get tricky and pretty much delete all files from this download (especially the .ymap file) and place again. Let me know on PM how it goes.
@Great Britain ok thx i'll try to reinstall and report u through pm if anything goes wrong
Nice Bug House :/ http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=998cbc-1524069257.png
@FabiGaming There's nothing wrong with the Map mod itself as such. Do refer to the pinned comment for proper installation of the Custom props Add-on mod and you should hopefully have your issue fixed in no time.
@Great Britain ah sorry :D its working thx nice map
@FabiGaming Enjoy (:
Thx got it working by deleting mapbuilder from dlclist,xml. Coz for some reason custom props add-on is incompatible with map builder,
@Roshan1234 Np, yeah this compatibility issue between both of them is one that I vaguely recalled and it's actually quite unfortunate. But yes, enjoy! ^^
@Great Britain Why does GTA crash when I want to edit the video in the Rockstar Editor of these hats? Bearbei
@Great Britain Why does GTA crash if I want to edit the video in the Rockstar Editor of these hats??
@FabiGaming I don't believe I understood the question mate?
hi can i ask about my problem. Only the floor and side of the house are missing. Trying to find the mapbuilder on dlc list but i dont have. Any answer please about my prob. Really appreciate you're great work. Thank you. 👍
@Gurikki Hey, apologies I was a little caught up in other stuff and didn't have the time to check back on here. Have you read the instructions carefully and did exactly what is required? A lot of times the missing walls and floors are a result of the "Custom props" not being installed correctly. Please refer to the instructions on how to correctly place them and let me know how it goes. Also, a screenshot of the issue would be appreciated for a better understanding. Glad to see your appreciation and support...Cheers mate! (:
Awesome house bro, attention to detail unprecedented!
@Evora Thank you so much! Glad to see you enjoying the map! (:
Hi! Looks amazing! What is the sky mod with milkyway and proper stars?
@cl1ntbeastwood I'm glad you're enjoying the map! ^_^...The mod for sky textures that you seriously in the screenshots is:
@cl1ntbeastwood I'm glad you're enjoying the map! ^_^...The mod for sky textures that you see in the screenshots is: