Latest update: You can now toggle the robberies entering "llctoggle" in the cheat console (º or ~ key). This will prevent the aimed robberies to trigger, fixing any bugs you may find in the missions.
Rob People users: Delete "Rob People.dll" from your scripts folder, it's an old version and will conflict with the new LowLifeCrime.dll.
Low Life Crimes expands the range of crimes the player can commit, letting you perform armed robberies on foot, or "purse-grab" robberies if you're on a bike.
The script adds a few roleplay elements to the gameplay, as now, the time of the day affects how much money you can get from them, and different kinds people behave in different ways when being robbed. The looks also matter: Rich looking people tend to have a lot more money, while plain looking persons don't. Hookers tend to have more cash than usual, too.
Always look for ATM users, marked on the minimap by a $. Easy money!
General Features
Armed Robberies Features
Motorcycle Robberies Features
ATM Users / Supercar drivers
Armed Robberies and Motorcycle Robberies work on these people, but you can also kill them. They will drop the cash.
How to use
"LowLifeCrime.dll" and "LowLifeCrime.ini" go to the scripts folder.
Be sure to check the LowLifeCrime.ini to tweak anything you might need.
.NET Framework 4.5.2
Visual C++ 2015
Future plans
Rob People users: Delete "Rob People.dll" from your scripts folder, it's an old version and will conflict with the new LowLifeCrime.dll.
Low Life Crimes expands the range of crimes the player can commit, letting you perform armed robberies on foot, or "purse-grab" robberies if you're on a bike.
The script adds a few roleplay elements to the gameplay, as now, the time of the day affects how much money you can get from them, and different kinds people behave in different ways when being robbed. The looks also matter: Rich looking people tend to have a lot more money, while plain looking persons don't. Hookers tend to have more cash than usual, too.
Always look for ATM users, marked on the minimap by a $. Easy money!
General Features
- The money you get depends on the person you robbed. See details below.
- You can't rob the same person twice.
- You can't rob cops or armed individuals.
- You can still rob 24/7 Stores normally.
- Managing to rob a cop will get you 2 stars.
- If you manage to rob a gang member, he and nearby gang members will go after you.
- Its possible that you will gain 1-2 Stars after a robbing someone. That's not a script feature, it's a vanilla one (you aimed a gun at a person, after all).
Armed Robberies Features
- You can now aim at people and force them to give you their wallet. Depending on who they are they can comply, fight you or flee.
- Armed people can't be robbed and will shoot you if you try.
- After the robbery, most victims will try to put some distance between you and them, then call the police on you.
- Being masked prevents the victim from calling the police. Dead victims can't call the cops either.
Motorcycle Robberies Features
- You can now rob people by passing near them with a motorcycle and pressing the left mouse button. You'll always get money this way, but masks don't prevent people from calling the police on you, as they can identify your bike.
- You can rob everyone this way, from armed people to cops. Robbing a cop will get you 2 stars though.
- If you rob someone who's armed, you'll be shot at.
ATM Users / Supercar drivers
- People who are using an ATM will be marked in the Minimap with a $, meaning they carry a lot of money.
- Supercar drivers also carry up to $1000, but you won't be notified of this. You have to look around yourself.
Armed Robberies and Motorcycle Robberies work on these people, but you can also kill them. They will drop the cash.
How to use
- 1. Aim at any person with your gun.
- 2. Keep aiming until they throw their wallet to the ground.
- 3.???
- 4. Profit.
Armed Robberies
- 1. Get a Motorcycle.
- 2. Get some speed.
- 3. Pass really close by someone, clicking Attack (LMB) at the closest point.
- 4. You'll hear a sound informing you that you successfully robbed them.
Motorcycle Robberies
"LowLifeCrime.dll" and "LowLifeCrime.ini" go to the scripts folder.
Be sure to check the LowLifeCrime.ini to tweak anything you might need.
.NET Framework 4.5.2
Visual C++ 2015
Future plans
- Be able to get money from stolen cars.
- Be able to steal purses by bumping into people.
- Any reasonable feature you guys suggest.
- Added a cheat, "llc" to toggle the aimed robberies.
- Fixed: melee robbing bug.
- Fixed: you can't rob animals anymore.
- Fixed: you can't rob your own bodyguards.
- Fixed: peds will now always face you when robbed.
- Added Motorcycle Robberies.
- Added ATM & Supercars situations.
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 22 Φεβρουάριος 2016
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 17 Μάιος 2017
Last Downloaded: πριν 11 λεπτά
179 σχόλια
More mods by Eddlm:
Latest update: You can now toggle the robberies entering "llctoggle" in the cheat console (º or ~ key). This will prevent the aimed robberies to trigger, fixing any bugs you may find in the missions.
Rob People users: Delete "Rob People.dll" from your scripts folder, it's an old version and will conflict with the new LowLifeCrime.dll.
Low Life Crimes expands the range of crimes the player can commit, letting you perform armed robberies on foot, or "purse-grab" robberies if you're on a bike.
The script adds a few roleplay elements to the gameplay, as now, the time of the day affects how much money you can get from them, and different kinds people behave in different ways when being robbed. The looks also matter: Rich looking people tend to have a lot more money, while plain looking persons don't. Hookers tend to have more cash than usual, too.
Always look for ATM users, marked on the minimap by a $. Easy money!
General Features
Armed Robberies Features
Motorcycle Robberies Features
ATM Users / Supercar drivers
Armed Robberies and Motorcycle Robberies work on these people, but you can also kill them. They will drop the cash.
How to use
"LowLifeCrime.dll" and "LowLifeCrime.ini" go to the scripts folder.
Be sure to check the LowLifeCrime.ini to tweak anything you might need.
.NET Framework 4.5.2
Visual C++ 2015
Future plans
Rob People users: Delete "Rob People.dll" from your scripts folder, it's an old version and will conflict with the new LowLifeCrime.dll.
Low Life Crimes expands the range of crimes the player can commit, letting you perform armed robberies on foot, or "purse-grab" robberies if you're on a bike.
The script adds a few roleplay elements to the gameplay, as now, the time of the day affects how much money you can get from them, and different kinds people behave in different ways when being robbed. The looks also matter: Rich looking people tend to have a lot more money, while plain looking persons don't. Hookers tend to have more cash than usual, too.
Always look for ATM users, marked on the minimap by a $. Easy money!
General Features
- The money you get depends on the person you robbed. See details below.
- You can't rob the same person twice.
- You can't rob cops or armed individuals.
- You can still rob 24/7 Stores normally.
- Managing to rob a cop will get you 2 stars.
- If you manage to rob a gang member, he and nearby gang members will go after you.
- Its possible that you will gain 1-2 Stars after a robbing someone. That's not a script feature, it's a vanilla one (you aimed a gun at a person, after all).
Armed Robberies Features
- You can now aim at people and force them to give you their wallet. Depending on who they are they can comply, fight you or flee.
- Armed people can't be robbed and will shoot you if you try.
- After the robbery, most victims will try to put some distance between you and them, then call the police on you.
- Being masked prevents the victim from calling the police. Dead victims can't call the cops either.
Motorcycle Robberies Features
- You can now rob people by passing near them with a motorcycle and pressing the left mouse button. You'll always get money this way, but masks don't prevent people from calling the police on you, as they can identify your bike.
- You can rob everyone this way, from armed people to cops. Robbing a cop will get you 2 stars though.
- If you rob someone who's armed, you'll be shot at.
ATM Users / Supercar drivers
- People who are using an ATM will be marked in the Minimap with a $, meaning they carry a lot of money.
- Supercar drivers also carry up to $1000, but you won't be notified of this. You have to look around yourself.
Armed Robberies and Motorcycle Robberies work on these people, but you can also kill them. They will drop the cash.
How to use
- 1. Aim at any person with your gun.
- 2. Keep aiming until they throw their wallet to the ground.
- 3.???
- 4. Profit.
Armed Robberies
- 1. Get a Motorcycle.
- 2. Get some speed.
- 3. Pass really close by someone, clicking Attack (LMB) at the closest point.
- 4. You'll hear a sound informing you that you successfully robbed them.
Motorcycle Robberies
"LowLifeCrime.dll" and "LowLifeCrime.ini" go to the scripts folder.
Be sure to check the LowLifeCrime.ini to tweak anything you might need.
.NET Framework 4.5.2
Visual C++ 2015
Future plans
- Be able to get money from stolen cars.
- Be able to steal purses by bumping into people.
- Any reasonable feature you guys suggest.
- Added a cheat, "llc" to toggle the aimed robberies.
- Fixed: melee robbing bug.
- Fixed: you can't rob animals anymore.
- Fixed: you can't rob your own bodyguards.
- Fixed: peds will now always face you when robbed.
- Added Motorcycle Robberies.
- Added ATM & Supercars situations.
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 22 Φεβρουάριος 2016
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 17 Μάιος 2017
Last Downloaded: πριν 11 λεπτά
Little update, I might continue working on this script in the near future.
@Dimentive did you ever find out how to do it?
@aspin does this still work?
can someone pls help me download this mod? i cant figure it out myself!!!
@zeinylol First, make sure you have installed the latest version of scripthook http://dev-c.com/GTAV/scripthookv
If you haven't installed scripthook at all, download it and extract the files provided by the mod by using an extraction tool (either WinRaw https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0 or 7-Zip https://www.7-zip.org/ ) You also need Commuity Scripthook V .NET https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/scripthookv-net After finishing downloading these, extract them and drag them into your main GTA V Director. One more thing, you'll need to install a few more things (See Requirements). After you've finished downloading these, make sure you have a "scripts" folder. Drag the files provided by the mod into this folder and it should work. Remember, for any script to work, you need NativeUI https://github.com/Guad/NativeUI/releases/ Drag the files provided in the download and put it in your "scripts" folder along with the mod. Some mods may also be non-compatible with other mods. Hope this helped!
@bbrandumbb im too dumb for this shit XD
People stuck at the prologe: Don't aim your weapon at the hostages, after a short while one of the other guys will do it instead and you can continue.
@Eddlm Hi, from the near future!
it doesn't work for me.
“llc” cheat doesn’t even work. >:(
@zeinylol in the descripiton
its not working, i tried llctoggle but that doesnt do anything either. other mods work. please help
Mine is not working I installed it in the scripts folder but it didn't work
any idea if someone created a similar mod?
@Cigaro https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/pickpocket-script-pixelbit#description_tab
Still Works Perfectly Fine For Me
please help im trying to uninstall this mod but when i deleted all the files the mod stays please help im serious this is seriously ruining my experience please im not joking just fucking kill m-
Still works. Thank you
@zmuptv uninstall the mod as in removing both the dll. and ini. from the scripts folder?
Works but cheat code to disable doesn't
works still