
ZChaos - Alternative Chaos Mod for GTA V



Tired of the old effects? Want to mix it up a bit? This fully customizable alternative chaos mod offers a fresh gameplay experience with over 500 unique effects! Easy-to-use Twitch voting support included.
Just open the menu, configure the chaos settings to your liking, and get ready for a rollercoaster of different wild effects!

Tested and compatible with game version v2372, v2545 and v2699, requires ScriptHookV.
Compatibility with running other chaos mods simultaneously is not guaranteed, but the instability of that is part of the chaos.

A full list of effects, default lengths, short descriptions, and previews as well as their quirks can be found here.

Default controls:
F7 - open/close menu
Num5 - enter menu
Num0 - exit menu
Num2/8 - scroll
Num4/6 - adjust

Customizable parameters:
Cooldown time between effects (default: 30 seconds)
Position of active effect display
Color pattern of the cooldown timer bar
Length of individual effects
Whether each individual effect is enabled (whether it's in the random rotation)
Effect randomness behavior (random, Twitch voted or predictably synced up effects)
Trigger effects based on distance traveled in-game
Bind a key to triggering an effect
Toggle whether the timer runs during cutscenes
Add custom sounds for any effect

Customizable parameters for Twitch voting:
Recolor any part of the votes display
Proportional or majority voting (Proportional: The vote ratios are used to calculate the chance of the effect triggering, Majority: The highest voted effect always gets triggered)
Change the vote command (votes can be with either 1 2 3 4 or c1 c2 c3 c4 in chat)
Write the votes display into an HTML file for use with OBS Browser Source or a separate window for Window Capture
Mark Unpicked Effects (Off: Only the effect that voting picks is then marked to no longer appear for a while, On: All 4 effects in the voting display are marked to no longer appear for a while)

Note: This mod is incompatible with ZMenuV (ZMenuV already has Chaos bundled with it)

Minor code optimizations
Distribution and Forced Geoguessr now disable the pause menu to prevent softlocks
Added ScreercS effect
Added FuuF effect
Minor code optimizations
Halved the duration of the warning messages
Doubled the reward for Distribution Lite
Replaced the Guitar Hero song select menu with a much more readable scrolling one
Renamed Time between effects to Effect Frequency
The Chat Sabotages Plants vs Zombies prompts are no longer case sensitive
Added an option to change the frequency of each effect
Added an option to change the frequency of minigames
Added all of Behavior Options into the quick setup menu
Added an option to disable minigames
Added an option to lock the difficulty
Added more new achievements
Added Roll Chaos Credits effect
Minor code optimizations
Fixed the movement multiplier not working
Literally GTA IV now desaturates the screen instead of making it greyscale
Added all minigames to Cheat Code Voting
Added Chat Sabotages Plants vs Zombies effect
Added Hardcore Guitar Hero effect
Major balancing changes
Major code optimizations
Major improvements to startup times
Major performance improvements
Major stability improvements
Major improvements to Tetris
Reduced the mod's filesize
Adjusted the minigame effects when triggered through Cheat Code Voting
All disabled effects are now listed in the Effect Filters menu
Changed the minigame scoreboard save format
Different rewards can now be selected after completing a minigame
Disabled effects can now be selected and tweaked in the Effect Filters menu
Disabled effects now all have proper reasons listed
Extended the Guitar Hero setlist
Fixed minigames sometimes not triggering properly via Cheat Code Voting
Fixed random crashing caused by ScriptHookV
Fixed some cases of Forced Geoguessr causing softlocks
Fixed some issues with JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT
Fixed stuttering in some cases
Fixed the arrests stat not being tracked properly
Improved performance while playing Guitar Hero
Improved the Raining Cars effect
Improved the Ultra-Nightmare difficulty
Improvements to Tetris
JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT now drains faster after getting down to ground level
Reduced the length of the Long Fadeout effect from 16 to 8 minutes
Reduced the length of the Rolling Camera effect from 30 to 15 seconds
Reduced the length of the Spinning Camera effect from 30 to 15 seconds
Removed LSD Mode effect
Rota(to)ry Engines now affects all cars
Teleport to Mt Chilliad? :tf: no longer makes your car spin
Text changing effects now affect vehicle license plates
The Fix all permanent save alterations option now deletes blips
Added a check for write permissions before saving configs
Added a prefix for minigame effects to make them easier to spot
Added a quick setup menu
Added a scoreboard to Tetris
Added a toggle to disable copyrighted music
Added an option to clear bad effects if they made the current mission repeatedly fail
Added an option to trigger effects based on player movement
Added an option to trigger effects with a keybind
Added difficulty settings
Added more bad effects to the mission fail checker list
Added more new achievements
Added more stats to the Fun Options menu
Added scoreboards to Guitar Hero and Snake
Added support for multiple regular Griefer Jesuses on the map at one time
Added Add One Distribution Deal effect
Added Add Two Distribution Deals effect
Added Chat Controls Tetris effect
Added Chat Sabotages Tetris effect
Added Create 5 Large Radar Blips... somewhere effect
Added Create Large Radar Blip... somewhere effect
Added Forced Distribution effect
Added GIGACHAD effect
Added Griefer Jesus Info Display effect
Added Hardcore Plants vs Zombies effect
Added Hardcore Pong effect
Added Hardcore Snake effect
Added Hardcore Tetris effect
Added i?u?i u?i?u effect
Added It's bright in here effect
Added Jesus Reacts effect
Added Password Game effect
Added Plants vs Zombies effect
Added Snake effect
Added Spawn a pole next time you drive fast effect
Added Subnautica effect
Added Titan effect
Added Very Hardcore Tetris effect
Added full controller support for the Guitar Hero effect
Improved the voting configuration menu
New Game :tf: is now marked as unstable
Added It's Raining Men effect
Added PILLS HERE effect
Moved the cutscene bars during the Distribution tutorial
Ragdoll All Peds now warps peds out of vehicles
JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT now no longer waits until you're off mission, and instead pauses the mission for the duration of the effect
Halved the noclip speed for Quake/Half-Life Movement
Added cutscene borders for the Distribution intro tutorial
Hyper Sprint and Super Jump now hides when in a car
Added Remove One Large Radar Blip effect
Added a quit option to Guitar Hero
To Be Continued now stops the mission from failing until it's over
Completely overhauled the Guitar Hero effect
Autosave Off now doesn't show up if the autosave option is already off
Texture replacement effects and the pause menu now get disabled during Guitar Hero
Added Guitar Hero effect
Added Distribution effect
Added Suspend Mission Flow effect
Added Overwrite Autosave effect
Added more new achievements
Added Tetris to Cheat Code Voting
Removed Up & Down from Cheat Code Voting
Minigames now show their end result in the No Chaos effect's name
Drive Wander and Walk Off can now no longer be bypassed
Jesus can now no longer be heard blowing stuff up from 6 miles away
Fixed some text replacing effects also changing the effect display even with the option turned off
Added achievements
Added stat tracking
Radar blips and tables are now permanent, even through game restarts
Added Big Rigs Handling effect
Renamed Dawn of the Next/Previous Day to Forward/Reverse Game Clock by a Day
Renamed UFOs to Floating Cars
Renamed Swinging Doors to Swinging Car Doors
Added HESOYAM effect
Added Pong effect
Added Tetris effect
Added Reverse Forcefield effect
Spawn Rhino? now also spawns locked
Fixed godmode sometimes staying on after JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT
Fixed the Godmode for Everyone and Godmode for All Peds effects not resetting properly
Added a penalty for failing Forced Geoguessr
Added Charred Car Skin effect
Teleport effects now wait for cutscenes to end
Fixed some instances of low FPS with the mod installed
Added an option to trigger effects every time someone subscribes on Twitch
Fixed some minor issues with the Is this a JoJo reference? effect
Fixed flickering with all shader-based effects and Re-Volt powerups
Added Caveman Combat effect
Added Air Racing effect
Added Moving World effect
Added We have Chase Camera at home effect
Added Deforestation effect
Added See More effect
Added Metal Pipes effect
Added Big Heads effect
Added Hold The Fuck Up effect
Added WAYTOODANK effect
Added Big Slappy effect
Added Cost an Arm and a Leg effect
Added Mission Failed effect
Added Forced Geoguessr effect
Added GTA IV Handling to the Fun Options menu
Re-enabled the following effects on newer versions (untested):
- Packet Loss
- Floating Point Inaccuracy
- 8 Bit Steering
- Extreme Floating Point Inaccuracy
- Randomize Phone
- Prologue Phone
- Too Much Information
- GTA IV Car Camera
Added GTA IV Vehicle Handling effect
Re-enabled the following effects on newer versions (untested):
- High Bulletspread
- Infinite Weapon Range
- No Range?
- Nightmare Player
- Nightmare Peds
- Spawn Dumptrucks
Added Spawn 100 Beach Balls effect
Added Beach Ball Jail effect
Added Become a Bouncy Ball effect
Added Wireframe Mode effect
Added Mirrored effect
Added Mirrored HUD effect
Added Real VR Experience effect
Added Literal Tunnel Vision effect
Added Colors effect
Added LSD Trip effect
Added Murder GPU in cold blood effect
Added Is this a JoJo reference? effect
Added Low Res Gaming effect
SUPERHOT now also speeds the game up when going faster than the cap
Added Game Speedup effect
Added No Rendering? effect
Added Fuck Up World effect
Added Pepega World effect
Added Unaware effect
Added It's Morbin' Time effect
Added Forgot to install CS:S effect
Further improvements to Heavy Snowfall
Added particle effects and proper vehicle behavior for Heavy Snowfall
Added Heavy Snowfall effect
Further adjusted some unholy effects
Adjusted some unholy effects
Added some unholy effects
Fixed Cheat Code Voting allowing more than one instance of each effect at a time
Added Up & Down effect
Added Large World effect
Added Warping World effect
Made Buttsbot stack (effect running more than once = text buttified multiple times over)
Minor code optimizations
Major improvements to Quake/Half-Life Movement
(Global) Vehicle OHKO now removes invincibility from mission cars
Explode Car and Need for Speed now work for cars that have more health and/or are explosion proof
Juiced 2 DS now hides when not in a car
Sacrificial Circle and Everyone (REALLY) Hates You now removes invincibility from mission cars
Scaling effects are now stackable (e.g. Wide Peds + Very Wide Peds)
Spawn Random Car now warps you inside the car
Spawn Tug is now disabled if the tugboat doesn't exist (e.g. DLCs not mounted)
Take Damage now removes 1/3rd of the health bar
Velocity modifying effects now work during Quake/Half-Life Movement
Increased the length of the Aimbot Peds effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Increased the length of the Explosive Peds effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Increased the length of the Lock All Cars effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Increased the length of the No HUD effect from 60 to 90 seconds
Increased the length of the No Shooting Allowed effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Increased the length of the No Sprinting effect from 30 to 90 seconds
Removed SUPERHOT from Cheat Code Voting
Added Attach Nearest Ped to You effect
Added Blinking Cars effect
Added borpaSpin effect
Added Global Car Godmode effect
Added Jenga effect
Added Kill All Nearby Peds effect
Added Mitosis on Ped Death effect
Added No Healing & Health Regen effect
Added Rota(to)ry Engines effect
Added Traffic Explodes when Hit effect
Minor code optimizations
Major improvements to the Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Fixed instability with the Shoutouts to SimpleFlips effect
Fixed Quake/Half-Life Movement always being disabled
Minor code optimizations
Major improvements to the Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Added a Fun Options menu to enable effects manually (currently only has Quake/Half-Life Movement)
Renamed Cars Never Locked to Unlock All Cars
Major improvements to the Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Re-enabled Big Weapons, Tiny Weapons and Wide Weapons on v2802
Major improvements to the Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Effect lengths now save properly and are kept between updates from now on
Minor code optimizations
Minor stability improvements
Major improvements to the Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Added Teleport to Random Vehicle effect
Removed all teleport effects from Cheat Code Voting
Periods are now no longer required in effect cheat codes
DVD Screensaver now detects if it hit the corner
Nothing now picks random names for itself
Twitch voting can now no longer pick the same effect multiple times in one group if there are other effects available
The voting display is now fully colorable
Effects can now be given custom sounds - Put an mp3 file with the proper sound filename (displayed in the Effect Options menu for each effect) into ZMenuAssets/CustomEffectSounds and it'll play
Minor code optimizations
To Be Continued now disables properly if it caused a mission fail
Hyper Gravity Field is now more stable
Fixed JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT sometimes not doing anything
Randomize All Text is now marked as unstable
Added Quake/Half-Life Movement effect
Minor code optimizations
Minor performance improvements
All this shit paid for with bad credit now hides itself when in a cutscene
Absurd Car Deformation now hides itself when in a cutscene
Heavy Weapon Recoil now hides itself when in a cutscene
Vehicular Bullets now hides itself when in a cutscene
Increased the default length of the Sticky 1 Star Wanted Level effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Decreased the default length of the Windows 98 HUD effect from 120 to 60 seconds
All this shit paid for with bad credit effect now spawns the 2 cars from Franklin & Lamar
Added To Be Continued effect
Added Ohio effect
Added Teleport All Vehicles to You effect
Effect lengths now save into the .ini
Spawn Tornado now no longer works in interiors
Added No Signal to a new Unstable for Stream filter
Slide Run now hides itself when not on foot
Ignite All Peds now no longer includes the player
Launch Into Narnia now hides itself when in a cutscene
Godmode for Everyone now also includes the player
Renamed Forced Jog to No Sprinting
Renamed Set Car on Fire to Ignite Car
Renamed Set All Cars on Fire to Ignite All Cars
Renamed Set All Taxis on Fire to Ignite All Taxis
Added Add One More Voting Option effect
Added 30 Second Timer effect
Added Strong Wind effect
Added Which way do I go again? effect
Added Magnet Cars effect
Added Floating Point Inaccuracy effect
Added 8 Bit Steering effect
Added Flat World effect
Added Extreme Floating Point Inaccuracy effect
Added UFOs effect
Added Familiar Chaos UI effect
Added Vehicular Bullets effect
Added Create Radar Blip effect
Added Create Large Radar Blip effect
Added Give Everyone Miniguns effect
Added Give All Peds Miniguns effect
Added Windows 98 HUD effect
Added Car Godmode effect
Added Zoomed In Radar effect
Added Godmode for All Peds effect
Added All this shit paid for with bad credit effect
Added Give Minigun effect
Added Rolling Camera effect
Added Spinning Camera effect
Added Kitty Text effect
Added Tilted Camera effect
Added Sideways Camera effect
Added Slow Bleeding effect
Added Heavy Weapon Recoil effect
Added 16 Minute Fadeout effect
Fixed the following effects on v2802:
- Ignite Player
- Need a Taxi?
- Steer Bias
- Raining Cars
- Set All Cars on Fire
- Set All Taxis on Fire
- Balloon Pedals
- Why'd you leave the keys upon the
- Tall World
- Very Tall World
- Tiny World
- WHERE AM I?!?!
- HelixSnake Mode
- Enable Crouching
- Crossroads Mode
- Handbrake Hopping
- You've been struck by
Removed the following effects on v2802:
- High Bulletspread
- Ped Wallhack
- Randomize Phone
- Too Much Information
- Packet Loss
- Crazy Steering
- Prologue Phone
- Infinite Weapon Range
- No Range?
- Ghost Cars
- GTA IV Car Camera
- You Control Every Car
- Nightmare Player
- Nightmare Peds
- Spawn Dumptrucks
- Wirtual Mode
- Big Weapons
- Tiny Weapons
- Wide Weapons
- Floating Point Inaccuracy
- 8 Bit Steering
- Extreme Floating Point Inaccuracy
Clear All Effects now no longer clears itself
Added a toggle to display otherwise hidden effects (e.g. Cruise Control when not in a car)
Partial support for v2802 (no full support ever, downgrade and stop asking)
Added more UI options
Added debug options
Added an option to change the amount of effects available for voting
Major UI and functionality improvements
Effects are now completely independent of each other - triggering the same effect multiple times will no longer make the timer act weirdly
Effects ended with the Stop All Effects option are now all logged properly
Added Run on Startup toggle
Added Auto-Retry on Connection Lost into Twitch voting options
Added a toggle to make Buttsbot and UwUify also affect the effects display
Added UwUify effect
Forced Walk now hides when in a car
Tesla Mode now locks you inside your car
Added Least Voted Effect Wins effect
Added Cheat Code Voting effect
Votes can now be changed even after the initial vote has been casted
Added UI Scale option
Added help effect
Ignite All Peds now bypasses fireproof status
Ignite Player now bypasses fireproof status
Added Enable During Cutscenes toggle
Minor code optimizations
Partial support for v2699.16 (no full support ever, downgrade and stop asking)
Launch All Peds effect now warps peds out of vehicles
Added controller support to the Airbreak effect
Fixed Crossroads Mode displaying the hint text when not in a car
Swinging Doors now waits until you're in a car
Increased the default length of the Drunk Ragdoll effect from 20 to 30 seconds
Minor code optimizations
Increased the strength of Earthquake
JIMMY YOU LITTLE SHIT now waits until you're not on a mission
BLOOOOOM now also sets the time to noon
Increased the default length of the Spawn Dumptrucks effect from 60 to 120 seconds
Increased the default length of the San Andreas Car Camera effect from 60 to 120 seconds
San Andreas Car Camera now hides when not in a car
Remove One Tire now waits until you're in a car
Added Wide Weapons effect
Minor code optimizations
Increased the default length of the Pacifist effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Added a Synced Effects toggle to have predictable effects that are consistent across multiple PCs for "competition"
Minor code optimizations
Adjusted the Raining Cars effect
Juiced 2 DS now allows you to reverse
Need for Speed now shows the current speed above the get/stay above 100KM/H warning
Ragdoll on Damage now also warps you out of cars
Increased the default length of the One Bullet Mags effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Major improvements to the Tiny World, Tall World, Very Tall World and Where Am I effects
Crossroads Mode and Handbrake Hopping now hide when not in a car
Minor code optimizations
Fixed Mark Unpicked Effects resulting in way more repeated effects than intended
Minor code optimizations
Added Virtual Boy effect
Added Pink effect
Added Night Vision effect
Added Piss Filter effect
Added Negative effect
Added Creepypasta Mode effect
Blackout now sets the time to midnight
Adjusted height for Drive on Air
Fixed Need for Speed effect sometimes not exploding cars properly
Fixed tire popping related effects not working properly for some mission cars
TrackMania camera effects now hide when not in a car
Increased the default length of the Corpa effect from 30 to 60 seconds
Added Hyper Gravity Field to the unstable effect list
Minor code optimizations
Added ppHop effect
Added Hyper Gravity field effect
Added Random Game Speed effect
Minor code optimizations
Added built-in link to the full effect list
Made audio configuration more detailed and mandatory
Minor code optimizations
Added Randomize All Text effect
Minor code optimizations and stability improvements
Added option to make votes alternate between 1 2 3 4 and 5 6 7 8
Minor code optimizations
Greatly reduced filesize
Fixed Big Weapons effect making newly spawned weapons disappear
Minor code optimizations
Added Big Weapons effect
Added Tiny Weapons effect
Chaos now automatically gets disabled if it disconnects from Twitch
Minor code optimizations
Added Rainbow (Cycling) to Timer Bar colors
Added Audio menu to adjust the volume of effect SFX along with test samples to help find a good level
Minor stability improvements
Fixed compatibility with Rainbomizer
Fixed Prologue Phone effect on v2699
Fixed Randomize Phone effect on v2699
Added Wirtual Mode effect
Added QuantV Mode effect
Reduced the default length of the Buttsbot effect from 480 to 240 seconds
Added San Andreas Car Camera effect
Marked Prologue Phone and Randomize Phone as unstable effects, as they only work on v2545 and v2372
Fixed Invisible Cars effect not working properly
Fixed No Shadows effect not turning off properly
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Πρωτοανέβηκε: 4 Σεπτέμβριος 2022
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 10 Σεπτέμβριος 2023
Last Downloaded: 6 hours ago

All Versions (current)

4.191 λήψεις , 50 MB
10 Σεπτέμβριος 2023

337 λήψεις , 50 MB
4 Σεπτέμβριος 2023

193 λήψεις , 50 MB
1 Σεπτέμβριος 2023

244 λήψεις , 50 MB
25 Αύγουστος 2023

876 λήψεις , 30 MB
9 Μάιος 2023

51 σχόλια