Λόγος αποκλεισμού Breaking the rules many times, being disrespectful against another community member repeatedly.
Του αρέσουν 5 αρχεία
13 σχόλια
1 βίντεο
4 Ανεβάσματα
8 ακόλουθοι
8.510 λήψεις
Love it brother!
Noice Keep it up buddy
@ReNNie The steering wheel is bent lol
@iSMACKZiYT :( lol
@WestsideModz jesse gil did. Period
@WestsideModz Even if the guy you bought this model from said you dont have to give him credit's this is not how you should do thing's. And thank's to your shitty ass 5 minute port job and leaving this unlocked this mod is on every mod site from one corner of the internet to the other. Farming Sim 2017 gta 5 inside way to go ass hat for ruining modding!
@bagged :) This is awsome https://www.google.com/search?q=roadkill+stock+car&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS797US797&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjm1dLarvPeAhVHRKwKHVLeDUQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1680&bih=939#imgrc=mT-03wNshkmpxM:
@WestsideModz I know the person by first and last name who hanf made this model and it was not you.
I know who spent months making this model what a real piece of work you are. I know you bought this model for around 20$ No credit at all to those awsome guys down there.
@Greenaid is always realising A++ mods!