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@Xire Damn son! That sucks lol! I'm not even a fan of motion blur but it does make for some cool cinematic effects if making a movie or something. I still remember this bs. Thanks for reminding me to stay away from this mod. I'll just stick to a motion blur effect in my video software or something if I ever go back to making short videos within GTA V.
Had to come here to pay my respects. RIP Ray Liotta, we loved you so much, you will live on forever. I hope one day there'll be a revision to this mod because the hair is a little off among other small details but this was a damn good try.
@MarcoKJ You're welcome buddy.
Oh mannnnnnn this is so cool. I loved the M1 Definitive remake! I can't wait to try this one out one day. Favorite character ever. May just replace Michael with him.
@swtchblvde Don't mod anymore, haven't in many months. If I ever decide to go back I will probably make a video explaining everything because I still have screenshots somewhere on my PC of the Jon Bernthal character model (Which replaces Trevor) wearing the Backpack from this mod and it looks so sick.
I think what happened (if I can remember correctly right now) is... The 3D Model for the backpack as seen in this mod above or something, was missing but the TEXTURE file was/is still present for some reason, so! I pretty much took the texture file from this mod, (which, you know, paints that backpack GREEN) and combined it with
the 3D Backpack model from this mod: https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/combined-setup-us-marine-desert-marpat-outfits-for-franklin-trevor-and-michael because it's literally the same exact 3D Backpack Model as seen in this mod above!
I had to do a little renaming of files in order to get that 3D Backpack Model onto Trevor's back (because in the link I just sent to that mod,
the 3D Backpack model is named in a way that it's only available to wear on Franklin's back by default, thanks to the Mod Author) and then of course, I took the Olive Green Texture (from the mod above) and replaced the Sand/Desert Texture with it
so BASICALLY. The outcome is? You get the Backpack, IN THE OLIVE GREEN COLOR SHOWN in this mod above ON TREVOR'S BACK. That's the Goal, and this is how I did it.
Hope I explained it better this time.
@MarcoKJ Ooh damn, I haven't modded in over a year. I wish I could help! I know I must've found that accessory that you want to equip through the use of a trainer. Which trainer? Not sure but you should be able to find it!
@The_Sea_Captain Reminds me of some weird "Updated Michael" mod that I think was deleted from this site awhile back, it basically changed Michaels appearance a little, made him look just a little younger, and gave him the ability to wear a larger variation of in-game clothing, I think it just added Franklins default clothing or some of it to Michael, it was strange, very interesting mod, not bad but the creator I guess for some reason didn't want people to have it anymore.
@The_Sea_Captain NO WAYYY!! You have it? You recently found it or you've had it?! What is it? A Script Mod? I wonder why he wanted it scrubbed, that's so weird! It's not like it was a totally game-changing mod, it just added smoke lol, maybe he felt some some of betrayal by the community? Weird!! I wish I knew how to make it work :(
@The_Sea_Captain Never got it. I wonder if it's just a modified value of the default vanilla dirt! Does dirt even get thrown up AT ALL like this in vanilla? I currently don't have the game anymore as my PC broke but soon I'll have one ready to rock with an i7 10700K so I'm really really keen on getting me that script/mod or whatever it is! It still looks so sick now that I look at it again in 2020!
@owedevil I've heard this from someone else! I don't think I've tested it yet but yeah I did install the new and improved adjustable heap limit adjuster from Dilapidated a few days ago. Haven't gotten on GTA V to see if it stopped the crashing. If I still crash I'll reduce the scenario and event probability more. I think I'll remove all the planes, they're pretty useless and some events and scenarios as well.