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  • Trevor3

    Hey! Sorry everyone. I am not going to update or fix this mod and i dont know if it works with the current versions.. But feel free to fix/copy/steal the code. Its really simple. Have fun. :)

    19 Οκτώβριος 2015
  • Trevor3

    I dont have much time at the moment so it could take some time until i upload a new update. If this mod doesnt work take a look at the lua console or try an other lua version. I cant help if you just write " it doesnt work." and i dont have enough time to test this mod with different lua versions (i am using the sdk of this version: https://github.com/gallexme/LuaPlugin-GTAV/archive/master.zip).
    @JayBossinova and everyone who is trying to help: Thank you very much!

    29 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    Ok. Thats strange. You can change line 128 from
    ENTITY.SET_ENTITY_VELOCITY(player, velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z+0.275)
    ENTITY.SET_ENTITY_VELOCITY(player, velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z+0.12)
    i didnt try it but that should be the same fix as steel falcons. If it does work try to pull cars. i bet its bugged too..

    23 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    @H1Vltg3 I found a way to land but its not perfect. AI.TASK_JUMP() while flying low. I integrated it in the new version of my mod. Feel free to copy it. Do you mind if i use some your code? Its really cool!

    23 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    If you are lucky, the last update (v1.4) should fix it. If its not approved yet, you can find a link in the description of my last video.

    23 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    @Steel_Falcon Really nice! The weird thing is, that with your code i dont maintain altitude. Maybe its connected to the FPS somehow. And that means, that the effect on cars wont be the same for everyone too. So... Ill try to create a variable that everybody can change the way they want. Airbreak, Ragdoll and PostFX are on the List too, but thats going to take some days. Cheers

    22 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    "you should stay continuously at the same altitude" Thats what the last patch added. if it doesnt do that for you, check the lua console and the log files for errors.

    21 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    I cant answer all the questions but i try to fix all the bugs and integrate some ideas. Flying at the same height should be a lot easier and the new version should work with LUA 10. If this mod doesnt work for you, please check the lua console and the log files for errors before asking for help. Thanks everyone. :)

    20 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    Sure. check out the new version. (youtube if it isnt approved yet..)

    19 Μάιος 2015
  • Trevor3

    @stillhere: Feel free to use everything. Credit would be nice if its more than a few lines.

    19 Μάιος 2015