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    Good work so far, buddy! I'll have to check out the new version later. BTW if you need some tips on a working ambulance, try looking at this. I have no idea if it still works, but maybe it'll help you figure something out: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/real-paramedics

    Also, remember what I said about changing how medkits function? Would it be reasonable to suggest that you disable the vanilla function of medkits entirely and just trigger a script when the player touches one?

    6 Οκτώβριος 2018
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    @sdasdf Those aren't likely caused by this mod. Try troubleshooting some more.

    28 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    https://youtu.be/y_cRv_xkXzw?t=100 you have to pay real close attention, he's not that bad of a driver, she's jerking the wheel.

    https://youtu.be/RuWlN-7JjSc?t=293 When they die and smack their head on the horn.

    17 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    Switching player-peds while in a mission with multiple player-peds occasionally screws up the mod. Switching player-peds invalidates the player-ped wound disable in the config, and also prevents the player from healing with the hotkey.

    16 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    Can you make it so that a stumbling shot makes a ped jerk the wheel like in that one carjacking mission, or that a brainshot or spine shot makes the ped smack their head on the horn as if they're dead?

    16 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    The Bureau Raid has at least two spots where it happens. It is certainly your mod, because setting the range to minimum makes it so I have to get within 5 feet of a security guard before it happens. You may have to fail the mission and hit retry in order to see anything, though I'm not sure. I said it might be a conflict because of that, although I'm pretty sure it's not a conflict. Your mod doesn't have to modify behavior, it just has to trigger a dormant function -- for example they might take a tiny amount of damage when the script is enabled, so they go hostile.

    16 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    Hey, bug report. This mod seems to cause peds affected by its system to become 'spooked.' Missions where you have to refrain from blowing your cover or spooking a certain ped fail instantly when a spookable ped enters the enabling range. It doesn't happen 100% of the time, but if it happens once, it will continue happening until the part of the mission is skipped or the game is restarted. ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** The Bureau Raid has several points where this happens - namely entering the building as a janitor and leaving the building as a firefighter. Let me know if you can't reproduce it and I'll try to figure out if it's a script conflict, although I doubt it as I don't think I have any behavior altering mods installed.

    16 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    @SH42913 Seems like all you need to do to make your own WYD in this mod is to add a kill key when the player has 1% or lower health. Is there any way you can see the player's max health in the API? Because max health is increased 10x when a riot suit is being worn. You can modify the script's behavior when you find that the player's max health is over 100%.

    15 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    Lastly, please make sure that there are no nil pointers in your mod that could be causing problems... Caught a nil pointer exception in Windows Event Viewer when I got shot just now. Not particularly sure if this would be helpful for you, but here's the event data: Application: GTA5.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00007FFCF0734633 Stack:

    14 Σεπτέμβριος 2018
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    Ooh, and a few suggestions! If the player somehow survives a heart shot or brain shot, do not let a first aid kit fix them. Instead, a brain shot should reduce the skills for special, shooting, stealth, flying, and driving to 0 until the player sees a paramedic or respawns. A heart shot should reduce their stamina, strength, and lung capacity until the same conditions are met. If that's too difficult, perhaps just reduce their effect multipliers to a very low number. I'd also like to suggest that first aid kits and soda cans work slowly, over time. Do it the Bethesda way, where a first aid kit heals 200% health over the course of a minute (3.33% per second) and sodas heal 100% over the course of five or so minutes (0.33% health per second).

    14 Σεπτέμβριος 2018