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very beautiful Will you perfect it in future updates? Repair the body's reflection like a real vehicle
sorry to disturb you! Give you an Optimus video connection for your reference.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZgjbswKgGsuWKpVSFlGdIA
@indra47 Yes, I will share it with my Facebook and friends.
@indra47 I am honored to promote it for you.
@indra47 Sure
@indra47 Thank you very much and look forward to your follow-up update.
您做的mods非常好!!非常精致!!你能做一个变形金刚4(Optimus Prime Western Star Truck)吗?希望有一个能做的非常精致,颜色真实与 yutube 视频一致的车辆吗,(add-on / replace)。十分需要等了好长时间也没找到十分满意的,十分感谢,麻烦你了。
Will you perfect it in future updates? Repair the body's reflective. More vivid colors. Door handle error.Change to add on mode is more perfect
@indra47 Sure
Excuse me, can you make a Western Star 5700 OP Optimus Prime Transformer Truck? I haven't waited for a long time.Thank very much!!!!!!!!