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    On PC Keyboard it works with Q + R keys. Thanks for the mod :)

    πριν 7 μέρες
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    Hey guys i was having crash problems too but then i figured there is a new update for "Packfile Limit Adjuster" and it solved the problem for me i hope the same for everyone

    1 Αύγουστος 2022
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    its working on latest version (1.57) too but it requires scripthookdotnet 2.10.10

    5 Νοέμβριος 2021
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    I tried low and high settings both but fps was still the same and not fluent. So its not about graphic settings i guess

    2 Νοέμβριος 2021
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    It works but its literally not playable, fps is ultimate low and there are bugs on driving cars too, screen resolution is badly optimised etc. etc.
    i dont recommend to install it for splitscreen but its working fine on "1 screen and 2 players" mode.
    Working on; gta 5 version of 1.41 (1180.1), Community Script Hook V .NET 2.10.10, scripthook 1.0.2372.0, nativeui 1.7
    Dont waste your time on this if you are looking for splitscreen because you will not enjoy it
    In this situation i just prefer to play 1 screen 2 players mode (pressing 0/f11 only and not T) which this mode is including it.

    2 Νοέμβριος 2021
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    Works fine with gta 5 1.41 (1180.1), Community Script Hook V .NET 2.10.10, scripthook 1.0.2372.0, nativeui 1.7
    but second players driving and shooting skills are not good as main players
    still this is the best we can have for now :)

    2 Νοέμβριος 2021