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  • 220b1f image1

    @Cheater4free Just discovered there is also a (clean) Angry Planes remake out there. Just downloaded it and will try it out later. The YouTube video makes it look like it works the way Angry Planes does. You might want to check that out as well...

    25 Δεκέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Cheater4free It WAS malware when it was first released... it isn't anymore. There has been a clean version of it out for a long time now. It won't be here because the site administrator chooses not to allow it (which is perfectly fine), but the clean version is easy to find. You should probably try the clean version yourself so you can see just how good it is and what you should be aiming for. Or at the very least go to YouTube and look for some decent Angry Planes videos that show how it works. The difference will be apparent.

    25 Δεκέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Cheater4free Angry Planes has an .ini file where you can set the max number of planes you want (I've used anywhere from 1 to 50 at once). I watched the video above for "Planaggedon" and they are still just falling out of the sky. Learn to control them and have them go after the player while actually flying (and not just falling). Then you will be approaching Angry Planes territory...

    25 Δεκέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Quakex64 Actually this is NOTHING like Angry Planes! With this mod planes are just falling, uncontrolled, out of the sky. With Angry Planes they are actually be piloted to you, past you and back around to you again. There are fun things you can do with Angry Planes... I don't see the fun in having them just spawn and fall out of the sky.

    25 Δεκέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Eddlm I should probably learn to avoid stating the obvious. Ok, so future addition request then... please keep track of what each squad is doing (or more specifically, what menu options are set BEFORE the squad is first spawned) so when the "Re-call when defeated" option is used and a defeated squad respawns it will continue doing what the old squad was doing. That would really make the "Re-call when defeated" option useful, since I'm not really sure how it is right now. Thanks again!

    15 Οκτώβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Eddlm I really like the new "Re-call when defeated" option, but I've discovered one small problem with it. The new squad that is created when the old one is defeated doesn't know what the old squad was doing! For example, I often spawn a squad in a helicopter and use the "Escort my vehicle" option. When I have "Re-call when defeated" checked and the squad is destroyed, the new one spawns just fine but it just hovers in place because it doesn't know the previous squad was in "Escort my vehicle" mode. Could you please have the new replacement squad do what the previous squad was doing automatically? Thanks.. I appreciate your time!

    15 Οκτώβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @Eddlm Thank you SOOO much for this mod! You've now completed the puzzle for me and given me everything I needed in GTA V. I've recently gotten the code to attach a camera to a police helicopter so I can get continuous camera shots from a helicopter (not just the useless short shots that are part of the "Cinematic" camera cycle). Only problem was that it only worked when "Wanted", since it required a police helicopter to pursue me. But with your mod I can now spawn two helicopters that will follow me WITHOUT being "Wanted"! This gives me continuous helicopter shots without all the police vehicles. Now I can go for many different kinds of action shots. I really thank you for this!

    7 Σεπτέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @AiriChan Maybe this will be close enough for you.


    4 Σεπτέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @YUNoCake Fraps won't work for me because I always like to remove the pointless, annoying, repetitive spoken audio like "Why do you exist?", but leave the sound effects. The Rockstar Editor lets me do that. Thanks anyway!

    4 Σεπτέμβριος 2015
  • 220b1f image1

    @YUNoCake Will this keep the game recording during the death scene? Right now the game automatically stops recording before the "Wasted" message, so it's impossible to show how the player died using the Rockstar Editor. Thanks...

    4 Σεπτέμβριος 2015