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@krul_is_a_potato Brother, sorry for the delay to answer you, I stayed a while without entering the site due to problems in my internet ... but it is not the new cb500 no .. I wanted the year 2002 here in brazil had many. And who had one of those was the face of the moment. Had to have money to buy one of these ... here in Brazil everything is expensive and this was one of the top bikes of that time
@luizfarias nao sei baixar pelo play nao.. eu uso no pc irmao
sumiu mano?? seus mods estao fazendo falta.. os seus e do morrice
I found a video in French .. it's kind of complicated because I only speak Portuguese .. but I managed to install
Beauty brother .. I soon after I posted, I got to install !!
Can you tell if you have some video teaching how to install this mod? I can not, if anyone knows please tell me
mano seu trabalho e muito show.. gostaria de te fazer um pedido.. se possivel claro vc fazer uma cb 500 antiga acho q ano 2002.. quem tinha uma dessas na epoca era o cara.. rsrs se possivel uma original e uma depenada com escapamento maneiros e tal abraços e parabéns pelo trampo
No ... I'm looking for a 4 door mk3
leider die englische ... ist q nicht Englisch sprechen. legte den Übersetzer .. Ich sehe Menschen, viele gti setzen .. Ich möchte ein MK3 Modell 4-Tür, um zu sehen .. wenn u Macht bekommen und natürlich
sprach über Sie summen MK3 gl tun. UO GLX 4 Türen