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    @Heinrich_Hans_16th Thank you for the answer. One of the other buggs is the door thing on the BAe 146. The other ones are that all turboprops and piston engine aircraft you made seem to hit a stone or something like this with the left main gear several times while taxiing. The Boeing 737-200 also has this problem with turning left after takeoff and the Fokker 100 hits the approach lights even if it clearly isn`t touching them and it dives into the ground as the F70 does.

    30 Μάιος 2021
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    Finally the Fokker 70! Thanks for all those great mods @Heinrich_Hans_16th! Though there are still some bugs. After takeoff the aircraft rolls to the left instantly and if I roll the aircraft to the right it won`t stop. Another bug is that during landing it just dives into the runway with the nose. Hopefully you can fix these problems soon in contrast to other bugs at other aircraft mods from you which are still not fixed.

    29 Μάιος 2021