2018 Can Am Maverick [Add-On | Extras] 2.5
2018 Can Am Maverick
Model:Forza Horizon 4
happy new year and my first car in 2020
+my first offroad car
" Convert And Edit "
Abolfazl Danaee (00AbOlFaZl00)
!!!! Do not edit model without my permission !!!!
"Go to my facebook page for information new cars"
-[HQ] Interior Textures(alcantra.png by Alex9581)
-[HQ] Body
-Forza Horizon 4 Tires !
-Dirt map
-brakes and calipers froam FH4 (edit by me)
-Sound like the forza horizon 4 (infernus)
-Worked Dials and steeringwheel
-fix door sound
-[3] Extra
ver 2.0 changelog
-add unlocked model
-add new env for wheels texture
-new paint [2]
-scale tire dirt map
-new front suspension
-roof added to extra
ver 2.5 changelog
-fix wheel flat+new maps for tire+new dirt (by Alex9581) thanks
-paintablie wheel (side+center) view in image 2
Paint [1]:Body car
Paint [2]:Roll cage and side wheels
Car Spwan:can
Model:Forza Horizon 4
happy new year and my first car in 2020
+my first offroad car
" Convert And Edit "
Abolfazl Danaee (00AbOlFaZl00)
!!!! Do not edit model without my permission !!!!
"Go to my facebook page for information new cars"
-[HQ] Interior Textures(alcantra.png by Alex9581)
-[HQ] Body
-Forza Horizon 4 Tires !
-Dirt map
-brakes and calipers froam FH4 (edit by me)
-Sound like the forza horizon 4 (infernus)
-Worked Dials and steeringwheel
-fix door sound
-[3] Extra
ver 2.0 changelog
-add unlocked model
-add new env for wheels texture
-new paint [2]
-scale tire dirt map
-new front suspension
-roof added to extra
ver 2.5 changelog
-fix wheel flat+new maps for tire+new dirt (by Alex9581) thanks
-paintablie wheel (side+center) view in image 2
Paint [1]:Body car
Paint [2]:Roll cage and side wheels
Car Spwan:can
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 4 Ιανουάριος 2020
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 7 Ιανουάριος 2020
Last Downloaded: 3 hours ago
76 σχόλια
2018 Can Am Maverick
Model:Forza Horizon 4
happy new year and my first car in 2020
+my first offroad car
" Convert And Edit "
Abolfazl Danaee (00AbOlFaZl00)
!!!! Do not edit model without my permission !!!!
"Go to my facebook page for information new cars"
-[HQ] Interior Textures(alcantra.png by Alex9581)
-[HQ] Body
-Forza Horizon 4 Tires !
-Dirt map
-brakes and calipers froam FH4 (edit by me)
-Sound like the forza horizon 4 (infernus)
-Worked Dials and steeringwheel
-fix door sound
-[3] Extra
ver 2.0 changelog
-add unlocked model
-add new env for wheels texture
-new paint [2]
-scale tire dirt map
-new front suspension
-roof added to extra
ver 2.5 changelog
-fix wheel flat+new maps for tire+new dirt (by Alex9581) thanks
-paintablie wheel (side+center) view in image 2
Paint [1]:Body car
Paint [2]:Roll cage and side wheels
Car Spwan:can
Model:Forza Horizon 4
happy new year and my first car in 2020
+my first offroad car
" Convert And Edit "
Abolfazl Danaee (00AbOlFaZl00)
!!!! Do not edit model without my permission !!!!
"Go to my facebook page for information new cars"
-[HQ] Interior Textures(alcantra.png by Alex9581)
-[HQ] Body
-Forza Horizon 4 Tires !
-Dirt map
-brakes and calipers froam FH4 (edit by me)
-Sound like the forza horizon 4 (infernus)
-Worked Dials and steeringwheel
-fix door sound
-[3] Extra
ver 2.0 changelog
-add unlocked model
-add new env for wheels texture
-new paint [2]
-scale tire dirt map
-new front suspension
-roof added to extra
ver 2.5 changelog
-fix wheel flat+new maps for tire+new dirt (by Alex9581) thanks
-paintablie wheel (side+center) view in image 2
Paint [1]:Body car
Paint [2]:Roll cage and side wheels
Car Spwan:can
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 4 Ιανουάριος 2020
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 7 Ιανουάριος 2020
Last Downloaded: 3 hours ago
@xDeleterious69 NO, the suspension is total garbage.
How this incompetent junk gets 5 stars beyond still photos and not driving it is a mystery to me. People just blindly rate with zero attention to detail, and as if a nearly identical buggy design they already have and don't have to install (Nagasaki Outlaw) which works far better doesn't already exist.
STILL as of 2.5:
Looks nice until you start driving it... the shocks seem welded to the knuckles and swing arms, don't compress or pivot and their tops even poke through the body area in the front.
The triangular control arm pairs that go to the front wheel knuckles don't sway independently or even pivot at all, they just raise up and down equally as if they're welded to the wheels with no joint to the body, and as if the wheels have a straight axle between them.
When ramping in the air or otherwise decompressing suspension, you can even see the control arms go below the chassis (the area on the arms where they should be connected to the chassis falls below the chassis as if they broke off, and only in fixed connection to the wheel knuckles). Look at screenshot #3, shows what I'm referring to.
In the rear you'll see the stabilizer rods that should sway up and down are completely fixed, connected to the hub plate in the center, and the hub moves up and down (even below the chassis, again when ramping) as if it's also connected to nothing on the chassis which looks ridiculous.
Don't take my word for it, look at the videos. The only plausible looking part are the swing arms (the large metal beams that go from the rear wheels to the chassis), but you can even see the fronts of those sink below the chassis as well when ramping.
No realistic, let alone independent suspension whatsoever. Needs fixed asap, since it drives more like a traditional truck with straight axles than a buggy. Sort of the whole point of this vehicle. Not to mention the tires look like they're made of glossy plastic.
For anyone clueless of how the suspension should work, take a look at the Nagasaki Outlaw for a direct comparison, it's basically the same vehicle. Or the RC bandito to clearly see how it's suspension is independent.
I'm not saying it's easy to make it all work correctly but it shouldn't be bothered with until someone knows what they're doing and not just importing some 3d models they bought/found somewhere and making the colors work.
It's valid criticism and I hereby also throw in my rating.
Please don't report comments if they make sense.
@ikt Judge for yourself now what bug other than suspension but this half star ( CattleprodSodomy ) doesn't look ugly?
Hello, thank you for the model it is great, if possible, could I get permission to add police lights to this and sell it locked? Full credit will be given
@Abolfazldanaee You already get 5 stars many times for what? I rated lowest because of it being over rated. You want pat on the back from people who are easy to please?
If you had no ratings, I would honestly give 1.5 stars to the fact it looks nice with a lot of detail...when not being driven. But what is the point of that?
The entire purpose of the vehicle is for offroading and to see the suspension work properly to a degree that it looks like you put some effort into making it work. Not like a cheap toy that looks good in a box but awful when using it, and making the Nagasaki Outlaw a far better choice.
I'm not trying to be a dick here but I'm just really tired of something that looks great in a photo but turns out to be a big disappointment. Improve the suspension detail and I'll improve my rating.
@CattleprodSodomy Did you just score low because of suspension?
Like I also said the tires are glossy (@Killdaa and @Blackhawk59 also mentioned on or before Jan 6) .
The handling is rather squirrely (@1sarp mentioned on Jan 5).
It's classed as a supercar when it should be an offroad (@1sarp and @Gu5555 mentioned on Jan 5).
I also don't like the sound choice it has (infernus)
And of course the lack of a basic install readme file like I first commented.
But these things are fairly minor/easy to fix vs the suspension.
@CattleprodSodomy np
@Abolfazldanaee @CattleprodSodomy wow that's a lot of observations...I personally don't really care about every detail about mods but sometimes it feels good to have mod that is almost perfect...I liked the way you uploaded rare vehicles at 1st but when I use them and frankly speaking I just don't keep them in game for long. I also noticed you updated mods frequently and it's annoying because I have to keep downloading the updates so usually I wait until the mod goes cold before using the final update. Please I know you uploaded it for free and you used your personal time to build it and I appreciate it but there is a saying also that "if it must be done it must be done very well". So I will just advice that you finish the mod well and upload. Thank you!
great wee beech buggy works really great
why is it everyone I know who owns these IRL says they hate them and they are bad quality compared to Yamaha?
Definitely dope, could use some minor fixes. Would you considering doing some can am 4 wheelers as well? I don’t see a lot of good 4 wheeler mods and it’d be dope to see like a can am DS 650 or something
@CattleprodSodomy Thanks for putting the dlc info on here
My Handling:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item type="CHandlingData">
<fMass value="2400.000000" />
<fInitialDragCoeff value="4.000000" />
<fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
<vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.050000" z="-0.000000" />
<vecInertiaMultiplier x="2.000000" y="2.000000" z="2.900000" />
<fDriveBiasFront value="0.350000" />
<nInitialDriveGears value="6" />
<fInitialDriveForce value="0.365000" />
<fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
<fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="1.800000" />
<fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="1.800000" />
<fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="150.000000" />
<fBrakeForce value="0.500000" />
<fBrakeBiasFront value="0.650000" />
<fHandBrakeForce value="0.450000" />
<fSteeringLock value="40.000000" />
<fTractionCurveMax value="1.700000" />
<fTractionCurveMin value="1.500000" />
<fTractionCurveLateral value="16.500000" />
<fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.130000" />
<fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="1.400000" />
<fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
<fTractionBiasFront value="0.504000" />
<fTractionLossMult value="0.200000" />
<fSuspensionForce value="1.400000" />
<fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.900000" />
<fSuspensionReboundDamp value="0.600000" />
<fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.190000" />
<fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.200000" />
<fSuspensionRaise value="0.020000" />
<fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.550000" />
<fAntiRollBarForce value="0.000000" />
<fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.000000" />
<fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.500000" />
<fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.430000" />
<fCollisionDamageMult value="1.700000" />
<fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
<fDeformationDamageMult value="1.500000" />
<fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
<fPetrolTankVolume value="100.000000" />
<fOilVolume value="8.000000" />
<fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
<fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
<fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.000000" />
<nMonetaryValue value="50000" />
<Item type="NULL" />
<Item type="NULL" />
<Item type="NULL" />
whats the spawn code?
author, please correct the tint (tinted headlights). The mod is very good! Thank you
real good mod thankyou for making this ,the engine sound could be better tho
This is great, fantastic mate, it's the same car that Gerard Farres uses in Dakar 2022, if you can do it with that design, it would be even better. One question, is it easy to install the handling file?
Great car