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  • 136146 rsz white demon

    Now this... this is a sound mod. Not like the other "realistic" sound mods where half of the sounds is from completely unrealistic games like Saints Row 3. There is still room for improvements, though.

    6 Αύγουστος 2017
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    You...know that you actually can walk in 1st person in the normal game, right? Or am I missing something here? I don't see why you would need a mod for a feature that is already in the game...

    24 Αύγουστος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    It's a nice little detail. Only thing that annoys me is that, when I shot a Vagos gang member in the head, this....thing...was rather floating around behind his head...

    16 Ιούνιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    @idkjordan R* dropped a hotfix. Now we need to wait for a update on scripthook AGAIN.

    10 Ιούνιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    @N3kas No need to start insulting people.

    20 Μάιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    I don't think this is working correctly...I loaded the game like usually, and when I spaned in my house I launched your file. pressed enter, waited for it to complete loading and when it said that is was done it closed itself. looks good so far. problem is, the game was lagging even more. usually I get average 25-38 FPS depending on what's going on on the screen. with this I had about 25 most of the time and huge lagspikes during police chases...

    19 Μάιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    looks good. nice job. but one question though: There is a "realistic suspension" mod, is that one compatible with this mod or does it cause problems? I haven't tested it yet because I don't know if this mod change sthe suspension of vehicles...

    18 Μάιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    Okay, uh....what exactly does this mod change? There is no description about it. From what I ->think<- this mod does, it changes the smoke colour/amount and some grip settings, right? Right? All I can really tell is that the cars feel like they're filled with water when trying to drift. I don't know what this mod is meant to change, but whatever it is, it does a bad job.

    18 Μάιος 2016
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    "Target: 8000 downloads" ....you know, without more screenshots, or even more important: a video - you will never get the 8000. I mean, are there clipping problems, glitched animations, or no working animations at all? Is the weapon (mag, etc.) animated? We can't see that without a video. So, please, make a video to show the weapon. If not, you will never get the 8K, I guarantee it.

    18 Οκτώβριος 2015
  • 136146 rsz white demon

    Just thinking about how much this would kill my framerate gives me nightmares...

    22 Σεπτέμβριος 2015