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  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    Thank God someone updated this wonderful mod! Thank you very much, buddy.

    12 Φεβρουάριος 2024
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    The mod finally broke on the latest version b2944. If you suddenly need this mod, I recommend that you do as I did, just lower the version of the game to b2802. On the latest version does not work smooth throttle and brake, otherwise everything works. The game also crashes every time you have reverse gear on and press the gas button, just hold Space first and then the gas button to shift gears.

    This is still a must-have modification that I've been using constantly for a long time. I really hope the developer comes back and releases an update for it!

    8 Ιούλιος 2023
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    incredibly comfortable! thanks for this modification, it was very lacking.

    7 Ιούλιος 2023
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    wonderful mod! exactly what I was looking for. very easy to use and comfortable. Thanks a lot.

    7 Ιούλιος 2023
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    Great rims! Big thanks.

    27 Μάιος 2022
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    Maybe I can help someone if I say that I had to use the path: x64v.rpf\models\cdimages\streamedpeds_mp.rpf\mp_m_freemode_01 to install this model.

    24 Απρίλιος 2022
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    OMG! Best. I waited so long for someone to do NB, but 990 is unbelievable! Thank you mate. Very much appreciated.

    24 Απρίλιος 2022
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    I adore your bodies and clothes! Thank you, it's beautiful. I would like to see maybe a little thicker body (maybe the belly?😉), haven't seen it anywhere yet. Thanks anyway.

    19 Απρίλιος 2022
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    After a month of using this mod, I can say that I do not know how I lived without it. This is a must-have mod, thank you for that! Absolutely love.

    19 Απρίλιος 2022
  • 2c22c5 1492763313728

    looks cool! can ya please share that pants?

    10 Απρίλιος 2022