Albany Cavalcade ESV [Add-On I Tuning] 1.0
Hello everyone!
I am finally presenting to you my first project, Cavalcade ESV.
This is an ESV vehicle that modified the Cavalcade XL released with this winter update to a long wheelbase.
Oh, of course, some tuning parts were also compatible.
Although it is limited to the rear bumper, roof rack, grill, and mirrors... haha
Thank you for taking the time to help us with Cavalcade ESV.
Thanks to "Officer91" and "13Stewartc",
We would also like to thank several people who provided feedback and testing.
- hands on steering wheel
- glass shards and breaking glass on windows
- working radio & dials & indicators
- working tuning parts
- engine sound change
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
Officer91 & 13Stewartc - tuning part & edit support
Installation - SP
1. Unpack the .zip file and drag the ccadeesv folder into your mods folder
2. Add this line to your dlclist.xml: dlcpacks:\ccadeesv\
3. Enjoy!
Spawn names
Feedback and comments on bug findings are always welcome.
thank you
Photo By : K_Seong_Hun
I am finally presenting to you my first project, Cavalcade ESV.
This is an ESV vehicle that modified the Cavalcade XL released with this winter update to a long wheelbase.
Oh, of course, some tuning parts were also compatible.
Although it is limited to the rear bumper, roof rack, grill, and mirrors... haha
Thank you for taking the time to help us with Cavalcade ESV.
Thanks to "Officer91" and "13Stewartc",
We would also like to thank several people who provided feedback and testing.
- hands on steering wheel
- glass shards and breaking glass on windows
- working radio & dials & indicators
- working tuning parts
- engine sound change
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
Officer91 & 13Stewartc - tuning part & edit support
Installation - SP
1. Unpack the .zip file and drag the ccadeesv folder into your mods folder
2. Add this line to your dlclist.xml: dlcpacks:\ccadeesv\
3. Enjoy!
Spawn names
Feedback and comments on bug findings are always welcome.
thank you
Photo By : K_Seong_Hun
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 24 Δεκέμβριος 2023
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 25 Δεκέμβριος 2023
Last Downloaded: πριν 15 λεπτά
38 σχόλια
Hello everyone!
I am finally presenting to you my first project, Cavalcade ESV.
This is an ESV vehicle that modified the Cavalcade XL released with this winter update to a long wheelbase.
Oh, of course, some tuning parts were also compatible.
Although it is limited to the rear bumper, roof rack, grill, and mirrors... haha
Thank you for taking the time to help us with Cavalcade ESV.
Thanks to "Officer91" and "13Stewartc",
We would also like to thank several people who provided feedback and testing.
- hands on steering wheel
- glass shards and breaking glass on windows
- working radio & dials & indicators
- working tuning parts
- engine sound change
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
Officer91 & 13Stewartc - tuning part & edit support
Installation - SP
1. Unpack the .zip file and drag the ccadeesv folder into your mods folder
2. Add this line to your dlclist.xml: dlcpacks:\ccadeesv\
3. Enjoy!
Spawn names
Feedback and comments on bug findings are always welcome.
thank you
Photo By : K_Seong_Hun
I am finally presenting to you my first project, Cavalcade ESV.
This is an ESV vehicle that modified the Cavalcade XL released with this winter update to a long wheelbase.
Oh, of course, some tuning parts were also compatible.
Although it is limited to the rear bumper, roof rack, grill, and mirrors... haha
Thank you for taking the time to help us with Cavalcade ESV.
Thanks to "Officer91" and "13Stewartc",
We would also like to thank several people who provided feedback and testing.
- hands on steering wheel
- glass shards and breaking glass on windows
- working radio & dials & indicators
- working tuning parts
- engine sound change
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
Officer91 & 13Stewartc - tuning part & edit support
Installation - SP
1. Unpack the .zip file and drag the ccadeesv folder into your mods folder
2. Add this line to your dlclist.xml: dlcpacks:\ccadeesv\
3. Enjoy!
Spawn names
Feedback and comments on bug findings are always welcome.
thank you
Photo By : K_Seong_Hun
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 24 Δεκέμβριος 2023
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 25 Δεκέμβριος 2023
Last Downloaded: πριν 15 λεπτά
@koeartrucksim 대충보니 고소미 진행 되실거같은데.... 화이팅해요~ ^^
@koeartrucksim 복귀할 생각도 없으니 참견마세요 마.이.바.흐 님 ㅎㅎㅎ
@koeartrucksim 그리고 코리아 스펠링 Koear가 아니고 Korea 입니다 ㅋ
본인도 잘 한것도 없으면서 뭐 잘나셨다고 이리저리 설치고 다니세요 ㅠ,,ㅠ
Even if I yell in Korean here, it doesn’t mean anything lol. 🤣
@koeartrucksim 복귀생각 없다니깐 이러네 ㅋ 본인은 뭐 모드제작자들 모드 자판기로 생각하나본데, 정작 본인은 모드만드는거랑 맵 에디터 같은거 건드릴줄은 아시나요? ㅋㅋ 모드 제작,배포는 제작자 맘이지 그쪽이 그걸 가지고 뭐라고 할 자격 없어요 ㅋㅋ
물론 모드배포 한다해놓고 안한 잘못도 있긴한데, 그렇다고 다른곳에서까지 난리피우는거 굉장히 찌질해보입니다 ㅋㅋ
이미 그쪽 정체가 누구인지 짐작가고있으니 알고나 계십쇼 ㅋㅋ
그리고 그쪽이 저보고 복귀금지 라고 할 자격 없습니다. 명심하세요.
그쪽은 다른사람들에비해 굉장히 댓글달고 댓삭튀 하고 반복하고 다른곳까지 찾아와서 분쟁일으킬려는 찌질한 행동하는 사람으로밖에 안보이니까요. :)
@koeartrucksim 그리고 하나 더 명심하시죠. 본인이 이럴수록 나중에되면 다 본인한테 돌아옵니다.
이미 비슷한일로 한번 겪어보셨을탠데, 이번에도 정신못차리시고 또 겪어보실려고 하시나봅니다?
커뮤니티의 모든사람들을 다 적으로 만들생각 이신가요?
지금 본인이 이런짓하고 다니는거 본인입장에선 굉장히 자랑스럽고 만족스럽고 당당하다 라고 생각하면서 정작 남이하는말은 "ㅋㅋ 자기합리화 오지시네요." 라고 생각하겠죠?
근데 어쩌나요, 남들이 보는 시선에선 다 안좋게 보고있는걸요.
그리고 정작 본인이 마이바흐가 아니다 라고 발뺌하셔도 아무 의미없으실겁니다.
잘만 활동하시다가 갑자기 아무이유없고 탈퇴하고 거기다 설마해서 쪽지보내기 했더니 닉네임이 "아라리꾸라지" 제가 본것만해도 WSR 카페 에서 비슷한 무슨 꾸라지 닉네임 쓰시다가 적발되서 카페추방 당하신거 직접본데다, 이메일도 jong****.... 어짜피 저희는 그쪽 본명을 다 알고있습니다...
뭐 본인은 그 사람이 아니라니까... 위에 한 말 이후로는 더는 할말없고,
더이상 여기 커뮤에서 깽판치지마십쇼,
위에서도 말했다시피, 여긴 외국분들이 활동하는 유로트럭 커뮤니티가아닌, GTA5 커뮤니티고, 본인이 여기서 열심히 한국어로 댓글달면서 뭐라뭐라해도, 외국분들 보는입장에선 그냥 한국인이 댓글단거마냥 봅니다.
더 할말있으면 심월카페에서 직접 저격하시던지 하세요, 찾아가서 얘기 이어가줄라니까
@K_Seong_Hun thanks for the reply. Also I believe you should rename this vehicle to Albany Cavalcade XL EXT. To avoid confusion with the real car.
@koeartrucksim 적어도 유로트럭판보단 클린해서 그럴일은 없겠네요. 고생하십쇼
@King Sexus
Thank you for your opinion. We will reflect this in the next update and change from ESV to EXT.
Woow so Good job
@K_Seong_Hun the reasoning for my opinion is this mod ( I gives the Cavalcade continuity. I hope your (or y'all) are not upset
@K_Seong_Hun ESV stands for Escalade Stretch Vehicle, wouldn't CSV for Cavalcade Stretch Vehicle be better?
@Michael21107 Great idea.
We will change it to csv in the next version and release it. thank you
@King Sexus There is no reason for me to be angry, this is rather a comment that can be helpful to me.
Could you make a version manufactured by the parody of (BRUTE)"GMC"? based on the real life Yukon or Sierra?
Do I have permission to edit this file?
Hello, friend! Will there be a replace version?
@SergioMizonni nope
Hey, any chance I could commission for this same thing but maybe instead it has like 7 or 8 seats? 3 rows
@Calex_ sure.
Hello @K_Seong_hun I will like to get in contact with you about this vehicle. Is there any chance that i can speak to you privately via discord or email? Discord: .kingshiloh and email: . thank you for your time