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@andre500 Alright thanks, will do
@AR Scorpion That you can't even access because the models are missing
Also VCS Stubby Shotgun is on the table as Detective Shotgun and a reference to VCS Brady Games Guide which mentioned the Skorpion as "Venom 9mm" which's name is going to be given to CZ Scorpion EVO once i finish working on that, VC Stubby Shotgun is in mind too reappearing under it's own name but it's a bit problematic right now, not sure what to do with the pump
@-EcLiPsE- I was thinking of making a proper Equalizer at some point with scope attachment but it never went anywhere further than just being a note/idea, this mod originally began as just "Revolver .410" to match Pistol .44 and Pistol .50 but some people wanted it to have a much cooler name which now i agree with, there is a Taurus Jury and Taurus Judge, and i was pitched the name "Executioner" but obviously that was already used in COD Black Ops 2 and i wanted something different, so the idea of "Equalizer" from VCS came to mind, obviously the VCS gun is just a .357 with a scope but i feel like the gun in VCS isn't really worthy it's name, it definitely sounds cool but in the end it is just .357 from VC with a scope added on top so it could've been as well just called "357" + this is HD universe so it doesn't have to be the same exact thing
I was thinking of adding some attachments to this gun, scope was in mind as VCS throwback but in the end it didn't make much sense since like you said it's a mini shotgun with poor range, i also wanted to add a short barrel as attachment like the Shyster revolver mod but the idea fell through for now, it might return in an update though, same for a shoulder stock that came up as an idea but i never found a good model for it
@KassenBR I have it on my list, not sure about the explosive version right now
Very cool
@-EcLiPsE- That is where the name is from
@andre500 Also if you're gonna update the mod then can you please just add "Less Lethal" category as a default thing that's bound to GROUP_RUBBERGUN like i mentioned? Would be good to have that by default, especially since GROUP_RUBBERGUN is an unused group that exists in vanilla game and you're already supporting all of them (even Tranquilizer) so i don't see why this couldn't get added too
@SelfRayRayBusiness Nah you can add new ones, this mod adds a single custom one as well
@SelfRayRayBusiness It's possible to add new skintones to MP characters, this mod in fact adds one