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  • Cf401e pretty

    why don't use mouse movement for controling throttle and brake like it's used for steering?in that case you can drive with one hand.just add a hud showing current status of steering and throttle.

    14 Μάρτιος 2017
  • Cf401e pretty

    @Cabo_Mods i always want a glock18 model for ap pistol.you know,17 rounds/full automatic.still don't understand why did R* give ap pistol that lame look.

    16 Ιούνιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    usually i would use a sticky bomb but this is more fun

    10 Ιούνιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    can you add a bombing mission?you know when you bought oscar's bussiness at the airfield you will have to take smuggling missions,and one of them is bombing competitor's camp.i mean dude that's awsome!

    6 Ιούνιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    it seems you've brought a lot more attention since 1.1update.proves this is a brilliant mod.instead of making demand for fixing bugs.i'd like to offer some advise.1st:disable action mode(or combat mode) when crouch or prone.cuz you can't change stance in action mode.2nd :prone scripted gun task is meant for two handed guns.it's obviously from that mission when travor lying on a plane wing shooting bikers with an assault rifle.maybe it's better to only allow rifle and mg into that scripted gun task.3rd:remove dolphin dive.it's flawy and useless.

    26 Μάιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    BTW there are still some bugs,i believe you know that.hope you can fix it.

    25 Μάιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    how about two virsions?

    25 Μάιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    some missions need sneaking mode.besides,pressing ctrl while holding shift feels kinda inconvenient.why do you remove ini file?

    25 Μάιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    i would like to know exactly what will be unloaded before i unload it.i don wanna remove a lot of details for an extra fps or two.

    20 Μάιος 2016
  • Cf401e pretty

    i get it that you are new to modding and you just wanted to make something to begin with.but why teleportation?the most insignificant fuction that can be found in every trainer.and like @jedijosh920 said,you didn't even add a hotkey.i'm sorry for saying this but i am just so confused.

    20 Μάιος 2016