Rebalanced Weapons 1.6fix
Hello,everyone!This mod intends to bring realistic shooting experience to GTAV and keep the weapons from feeling all the same in combat.
Update1.6fix:Reduced recoilshake for some weapons.Headshot damage modifier changed.Check the 2nd picture.
According to real guns.But also try to acquire balance.
-Bullets fly in different velocity.
-More realistic range for each weapon.
-Damage and force adjusted.And they will gradually drop to zero,start at 0.1 range and finish at 1.0 range.
-Proper fire rates.
-Recoil and accuracy spread increased.Tips:If your character's shooting skill is at a low level,recoil may feel a little bit too much for some high power weapons.Try control your firing rate or use lower recoil guns.It's better if you go to ammu-nation and level-up your skill at shooting range.
-Hitting limbs deals less damage(*0.4),Hitting armor vest deals 0.5~1.0 damage depending on weapon's armor piercing ability.
-Scope attachments have different zoom factor.Clip sizes adjusted.
-Some small tweaks.
You can check the 2nd screenshot for details.
To install: Run openIV,go to Grand Theft Auto V\update\update.rtf\common\data\ai\,replace the original files after backup.
Directories for dlc weapon packs,please check README.txt in each folder.
Or you can use latest version of openIV and creat a "mods" folder.Instruction is here
Update1.6fix:Reduced recoilshake for some weapons.Headshot damage modifier changed.Check the 2nd picture.
According to real guns.But also try to acquire balance.
-Bullets fly in different velocity.
-More realistic range for each weapon.
-Damage and force adjusted.And they will gradually drop to zero,start at 0.1 range and finish at 1.0 range.
-Proper fire rates.
-Recoil and accuracy spread increased.Tips:If your character's shooting skill is at a low level,recoil may feel a little bit too much for some high power weapons.Try control your firing rate or use lower recoil guns.It's better if you go to ammu-nation and level-up your skill at shooting range.
-Hitting limbs deals less damage(*0.4),Hitting armor vest deals 0.5~1.0 damage depending on weapon's armor piercing ability.
-Scope attachments have different zoom factor.Clip sizes adjusted.
-Some small tweaks.
You can check the 2nd screenshot for details.
To install: Run openIV,go to Grand Theft Auto V\update\update.rtf\common\data\ai\,replace the original files after backup.
Directories for dlc weapon packs,please check README.txt in each folder.
Or you can use latest version of openIV and creat a "mods" folder.Instruction is here
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 28 Μάιος 2015
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 14 Ιούνιος 2015
Last Downloaded: πριν 4 μέρες
83 σχόλια
Hello,everyone!This mod intends to bring realistic shooting experience to GTAV and keep the weapons from feeling all the same in combat.
Update1.6fix:Reduced recoilshake for some weapons.Headshot damage modifier changed.Check the 2nd picture.
According to real guns.But also try to acquire balance.
-Bullets fly in different velocity.
-More realistic range for each weapon.
-Damage and force adjusted.And they will gradually drop to zero,start at 0.1 range and finish at 1.0 range.
-Proper fire rates.
-Recoil and accuracy spread increased.Tips:If your character's shooting skill is at a low level,recoil may feel a little bit too much for some high power weapons.Try control your firing rate or use lower recoil guns.It's better if you go to ammu-nation and level-up your skill at shooting range.
-Hitting limbs deals less damage(*0.4),Hitting armor vest deals 0.5~1.0 damage depending on weapon's armor piercing ability.
-Scope attachments have different zoom factor.Clip sizes adjusted.
-Some small tweaks.
You can check the 2nd screenshot for details.
To install: Run openIV,go to Grand Theft Auto V\update\update.rtf\common\data\ai\,replace the original files after backup.
Directories for dlc weapon packs,please check README.txt in each folder.
Or you can use latest version of openIV and creat a "mods" folder.Instruction is here
Update1.6fix:Reduced recoilshake for some weapons.Headshot damage modifier changed.Check the 2nd picture.
According to real guns.But also try to acquire balance.
-Bullets fly in different velocity.
-More realistic range for each weapon.
-Damage and force adjusted.And they will gradually drop to zero,start at 0.1 range and finish at 1.0 range.
-Proper fire rates.
-Recoil and accuracy spread increased.Tips:If your character's shooting skill is at a low level,recoil may feel a little bit too much for some high power weapons.Try control your firing rate or use lower recoil guns.It's better if you go to ammu-nation and level-up your skill at shooting range.
-Hitting limbs deals less damage(*0.4),Hitting armor vest deals 0.5~1.0 damage depending on weapon's armor piercing ability.
-Scope attachments have different zoom factor.Clip sizes adjusted.
-Some small tweaks.
You can check the 2nd screenshot for details.
To install: Run openIV,go to Grand Theft Auto V\update\update.rtf\common\data\ai\,replace the original files after backup.
Directories for dlc weapon packs,please check README.txt in each folder.
Or you can use latest version of openIV and creat a "mods" folder.Instruction is here
Πρωτοανέβηκε: 28 Μάιος 2015
Πιο πρόσφατη ενημέρωση: 14 Ιούνιος 2015
Last Downloaded: πριν 4 μέρες
would be perfect without that tracers ^^
a friend to help me make lobbyists?
A quick question since you tweaked weapons parameter, is there a way to add bullet ballistic ? ( gravity ) and so, add a bullet visibility like in a BF3-4 ( to correctly see the bullet travel - drop ) ?
And, is there a file / parameter somewhere to change the weapons positioning in First person ? or its totaly fixed via animation ?
Thanks for the answer! I haven't gotten to try the fix and another quick question, will this remove bullet spread completely? I would like to keep it/or increase it but reduce recoil/screen shake. Thanks again!
@golem653 i removed tracer earlier,turns out it's better i keep it.
@locargamer123 what?i don't understand.
@woots ballistic can be done,and i know how.but that means making every weapon use project fire type,and most values for weapon won't work in that case.have to create new ammo type for each doesn't seem to worth the effort.fps weapon position is fixed by anim and i have no such skills changing that.
@Crimson_Flam3s RecoilShakeAmplitude value only affects screen shake.bullet spread is controled by some other values.
@Justiony thx!
There! Happy now? However I have to tell you I didn't like the recoil thing.
Most value for weapons wont work ? what does that mean ?
After didnt opened the GTA 5 file to check that, but depend how the game manage weapon / ammo.
Like in a crysis game modding its easy since ammo files and weapons files are separated, and ammo speed / gravity & some other parameter are in the ammo file.
Unlike somes game like dying light, as exemple, where somes ammo parameter are bound to the weapon parameter.
( but might not be that annoying to change amo type tho, never went into a deep modding for that game )
Oh too bad if the game do not have some kind of "position offset" like in ( dying light / crysis ) maybe i could give a look
Just to know, what archive do you need to unpack to have access to all thoses files ?
And about the visibility of the projectile ? is that hard to set ?
@woots frankly,i ain't an far as i know,there are 3 firetype for <FireType>DELAYED_HIT</FireType> .most weapons use instant_hit type in oringinal game,that means bullet hit target instantly.delayed_hit means straight ballistic with speed value.projectile type will ignore a lot of values in weapon info,instead ammo info defines the properties of if you want to differ a weapon from another,you have to create new ammo type for each one.besides,physics for every bullet seems to be a burden of system.for example,mini gun fires 50 rounds per second,each one of them will apply to gravity/Ricochet/friction/Damping/TrailFx/etc.that's why i had to give up on that idea weeks ago.if you are interested in that,i would love to see you make it seem to be someone capable of things like that.just extract weapons.meta from gtav with openiv,and edit with any txt editor.i suggest notepad++.both ammoinfo and weaponinfo are in that meta file.
@leonardoli i will give a look just out of curiousity. But well, I might not be more able than you tho :p All depend how all that is managed by the game, and how easyly with can tweak / change parameter.
Back to GTA 4 i tried somes tweak with ammo, but that was really messy and not that "fexible" ( even if i didnt really had any modding experience tho )
I will first need to learn how extract properly games files and recompil them or so ( any good tutorial for that around ? )
thanks for you answer :)
What ped model is that?
Enjoying this mod quite much, however I believe it breaks weapon finish (part of Ill Gotten Gains update)
nice work
heyy, how do i change the bullet speed of the weapons? i kinda want to improve it for my own experience. would you like to tell me?
@leonardoli Nice mod but will this work with different gun mods?